Monday, April 8, 2019

This week in Learning:

Math: test tomorrow on Module 6 geometry. Next up is the study of statistics and probability.

FLA: we are working on 2 different areas simultaneously. First is the Gala oratoire, which is a speech presentation. Students are memorizing their poems for class presentations, then 1 student will be chosen from classess to represent St Luke grade 6. The other is narrative writing in preparation for the PAT's. Book report due Thursday. Quiz on "imparfait" Wednesday as is Library class.

ELA: We should be completed Shadows this week and then we will work on the functional part of the PAT's which is a newspaper article, based on Shadows. We will also have a wrap up activity of choice for students to demonstrate their opinions of the book. 

SCIENCE: we have tried so hard to get paper aiplanes to do what we want them to, but it is not working. Today I gave each student a styrofoam plane. It can be used to study the parts and what each part does. Next up is helicopters and how they work. I anticipate the unit test to be by the end of this month if not before.

HEALTH: today students were given a table in which they are asked to write down what they eat each day. This will be for an entire week and will be picked up next Monday. We are also in the midst of comparing the old and the new Canada food guides. 

SOCIAL: we will look at how Provincial governments make laws and how the representatives are elected, which they already have an idea about. I received the ballots for the students for next week's vote. I am quite excited about that. 

RELIGION: we are looking at forgiveness and several passages in the Bible that show how important it is to forgive. We have a mini celebration this week. 
Lentopoly tonight: confession...spend 3minutes in prayer talking to God about your wrongdoings and say an act of contrition.

ART: today we begin abstract art and will look at 2 famous artists: Picasso and Matisse.

This week:
ST Luke's got talent auditions
Danceworks at 10am tomorrow rehearsal
Jump rope on Thursday @ 1