Tuesday, February 28, 2023

This week in Learning:

MATH: we finish fractions this week and move on to ratios and then %. A unit test is around the corner

SCI: we are working on a poster and each student researched how a bird or insect flies. Now it's time to put the info on paper and to indicate the 4 forces of flight. Several students have still not gotten into the habit of sending me their google doc when they write it and then are at a loss when I print everyone else's out for use. 

ES: we have begun municipal govn't. we will look at other reasons why we need them and how we can be involved in local govn't.

FLA: we are writing our persuasion letter on which activities to do for Franco week. This is a PAT practice for functional writing.

ELA: we continue with poetry and short stories go home today. Where to improve: sticking to the plan; having clear try/fail, try/fail, try/succeed ideas; vocabulary and figures of speech.

Religion: we continue with Lent, the temptation of Jesus in the desert. 

Music: we are almost done with rhythm. I would like students to look for the lyrics to their favorite song (clean, can be English ) and bring them to next week's ART class...not tomorrow

1:00 pm Announced lockdown March 1st

March 3rd: : • Bishop McGrattan visits 9:40- 10:20

Je n'ai pas eu la chance de demander quelqu'un pour une question, alors je ferais cela demain.


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Question pour demain:

Why are forest fires good?

Monday we will doing a Room Clear drill. Remind in Santé to go over the procedures. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Question pour demain:

In ELA, as a class, we wrote a Haiku about what?

Lentopoly: no whining or complaining.  Lentopoly is a game we play during Lent where students are asked to pray, give or abstain from certain things during Lent. It is optional but allows students to become closer to God while playing. I hope that you hear a lot about this for the next 40 days.

During Lent, I would ask that you refrain from sending candy/sweets for snacks. 

I have also heard that there is food sharing going on during lunch. This is frowned upon, because of allergies and other health concerns. Students need to stop this practice. If you do not have enough food, bring more or go to the office. Thank  you  for your cooperation.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

This week in learning:

MATH: we worked on transfroming nombre fractionnaire into fraction impropre in Fiche 2 . Next up is comparing fractions and putting them onto a number line (droite numerique).

SCIENCE:  comment un oiseau vole, notes and pictures and 2 projects were given today that will be due in end Feb, beginning March. The poster will be end of Feb. Students chose a bird or insect to research how they fly. The other needs to be done at home. Build a vehicle that is propelled by a single balloon. This one will be due in beginning March.

ES: projects on the Iroquois were due today. Next up, municipal government

ELA: today we worked on an acrostic; tomorrow Haiku.

FLA : comment écrire un texte d'opinion. Post hockey lecture reading comprehension quizzes going home tomorrow. Much improvement! WOOT WOOT

Religion: tomorrow is Ash Wednesday 10 a.m. and we begin unit 4 on Lent. Friday is unit 3 test or project. Students had the choice.

Question pour demain:

What was the name of the slave that helped enormously with the underground railroad?

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Felicitations to Gabriel & Alex; Donovan; Gabby and Tomas for moving on to the City Science Fair and to Ellie; Teo and Eythan for their hard work on it as well. A few pics here:

Great job on the St Luke's Got Talent, brought to you by the student council. Here are a few pics.

Short stories are now overdue. ES is due Tuesday.

Tuesday is also Shrove Tuesday (pancakes will be served but bring more food...it is a tradition, not a full lunch)

and PINK shirt day.

Have a happy long weekend and Family Day. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Question pour demain:

Quelles sont les 4 forces nécessaire pour le vol?

ELA: autobiographical rough copy for Tuesday 21

ES: projet Iroquois mardi le 21

Sciences carnet d’expériences le 24 fev.


Monday, February 13, 2023

This week in learning:

MATH: tests on angles are going home for signatures today. We are beginning Fractions, improper and mixed (en francais fraction impropre et nombre fractionnaire) 

ES: test today on the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and then their final projects will be due next Tuesday. We then look at municipal government.

SCI: Looking at what makes something aerodynamic and what forces are involved in planes flying.

ELA: short stories were due today. Our next unit is on poetry.

FLA: tomorrow we have our post Hockey Lecture reading comprehension and our next unit will be writing an opinion letter.

Religion: today and tomorrow we are looking at the Clergy and then Wednesday begins Lent. 

Music: we are presenting rhythms made by the students.

ART: sketchbook Value, Art Spirit animals con't.

A huge thank you to all those who purchased a valentine sucker for our charity social justice project. As a school we raised 418$ for Ryan's Well, a Canadian organization that helps get clean water to those in need. 

Question pour demain:

Qu'est ce que vous devriez apporter pour notre panier de mardi gras? (c'est aussi un rappel)!

SLGT Wednesday pm @ 2h15

Friday, February 10, 2023

Mardi Gras is fast approaching and as a class we are asked to fill a basket with the theme of WINE. So far we have no items in our box and I am asking for your help. You can donate a bottle, glasses, markers, wine coasters, cheese boards, crackers, gift cards for cheese or meats etc. The money goes towards new technology and a new playground. See the school newsletter for more information. 

REGARDING Valentines Day cards:
Students may bring in cards but for EVERYONE.
No treats, no candies, no little gifts. Please see School newsletter for more info.

Science Fair

Thursday, February 9, 2023

 Question pour demain:

Donne une chose positive que tu as aimé du carnaval et une chose qui pourrait être améliorée. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

TEST de MATH demain...dormez bien! Révisez le matin

Carnaval demain après midi...habillez-vous chaudement. Vous serez dehors un long temps.

Question pour demain:

Quelle était le nom du groupe qui a commencé notre Carnaval ce matin?

ELA story due Monday

Tpet Friday afternoon


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Voici les finalistes de Hockey Lecture:

Les Abeilles+ contre les Vocabulaire Extraordinaires

Et les gagnants sont: le VE!!!!

Question pour demain:
what's the difference between a nun and a sister?

Monday, February 6, 2023

 This week in Learning:

MATH: test on angles Thursday

FLA: semi-finals and finals this week. So far Les Abeilles+ are in the finals

ELA: finishing the short story...due this Friday. changed to Monday 13th Rough drafts were due today and the amount of students not completed was disappointing.

SCI: more experiments on air

ES: working on a project that summarizes everything they learned on the Iroquois. This is also helpful for studying for the test next week the 13th.

Religion: the laity, the consecrated and the clergy

Music: rhythm assignment now due for teaching

ART: sketchbook working on value, art project spirit animals

WOW parents!!! thank you for the delicious food for our multicutural potluck initiated by the students. There was a ton of food and they are brining home the leftovers! I even offered to the teachers to help themselves. Here are a few pictures. Students tried everything and were really impressed byt the savory dishes brought. Merci

Question pour demain:
Pour être un bonne carte, quelles 4 éléments doivent-elles avoir?

Bring in a loonie to buy a sucker for Ryan's Well foundation.

Google Sites permission forms for CTF:
Students will be creating a Blog for CTF to show their learning journey. Nothing personal will go on there and it will be for what they researched each day and other questions they might have going forward on their research.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Question pour vendredi:

What did we talk about in Religion today? The word that helps us figure out what our vocation is.


ES page titre overdue

ELA rough draft Monday

Math TEST on Feb 9th Les angles

ES test on Feb 13th Les Iroquois

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


Un gros merci à tous les parents qui ont aidé avec le patinage de vitesse. Thank you parents...your help was truly appreciated.

There were only 3 answers from the BLOG question. Pour demain: Quelle est la somme des 3 angles d'un triangle?

Homework tonight: Math Fiche 6, Rough draft of story up to Next, La Grande Loi de la Paix page titre.

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