Friday, December 21, 2018

Image result for christmas
May you enjoy a holiday filled with Christ's love.
See you in the new year!
Last four activities for our advent calendar:
1. help a stranger
2. clean y our room from top to bottom
3. donate books to children's hospital or charity
4. smile at everyone you meet for one day

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Pyjamas, snacks for party and gift if you are participating.

This is what social justice looks like:

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A fun time had by all... Greek games 2018

La Lutte 

Les Danceurs
les Feuilles

le Grecs
les esclaves

Monday, December 17, 2018

Image result for last week before christmas meme

This week in Learning:

MATH: Continuing with angles. Students should be getting quite adept at using their protractors. When correcting, I give them a 2 degree leeway either way, so they should be close enough.
We are also writing problems for others to solve, as a sort of "Escape Room" game. 

SCIENCE: students are putting the finishing details on their aliens and planet brochures. They will be due Friday so as to present right away after Christmas. Astronomie Tests go home today to be signed. Please return asap. Thanks

SOCIAL: finishing greek pamphlets.. Due this Friday. Tomorrow is Greek day. Dress in togas to take full advantage of the experience. The gym is booked from 2h15-3h15 for the actual games. It is always a highlight of the unit.

FLA: finishing the novel study. There will not a be quiz on the novel, as the project should indicate that comprehension took place. Projects to be handed in Friday.

ELA: students are completing the myth story and art project that goes with it. Again, they are due this Friday to be presented after Christmas. 

RELIGION: continuing with the 3rd week of Advent (JOY). How will we bring joy to others this last week of school. We will start to  compile Warm socks this afternoon and they will be delivered Thursday to the MUSTARD SEED. Thank you for donating generously.💚

Party and pyjama day Thursday
Advent celebration Friday 1pm

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The students wanted to do a secret santa before Christmas, however it is going to be difficult, given the absence of some over the course of the week. We came up with an alternative. For those wanting to participate, they will buy a neutral gift up to 10$, wrap the gift and then on the day of our party, we will draw numbers to pick from the pile. Others who choose after the first one, will have the choice of stealing gift #1 or choosing a new gift. It is meant to be fun and not to be taken too seriously. Participation is optional. The gifts should arrive at school by Wednesday. 
Image result for gift clip art

Also, speaking of our party, it will take place on Thursday all day, as it is also pyjama day. We will watch a film, play games and celebrate the coming of Jesus. Students have been signing up for snacks to share.(Please ensure that they are nut-free or at least ingredients indicated).
 Image result for pyjamas

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Chapitre 7
Ca va barder: you’re gonna get it
Barniques: lunettes
Crasse: la boue
Déconcentrer: enlever la concentration
Harponner : attraper
Gober : accepter/ avaler
S’ébouriffer : dépeigner
Plaquer : coller
S’enfarger : éviter
S’affaisser : tomber
Firmament : ciel
S’amorcer : commencer
Mener : gagner/prendre contrôle
Jucher : percher
S’empiffrer : dévorer
Bégayer : hésiter à parler
Déboire : méchancetés
Débouler : tomber
Je suis navré : je m’excuse/desole
Larmoyer : pleurer
Déambuler : marcher lentement
Effondrer : abattu
Phalanges : mains
Corbillard : auto pour les morts
Museau : nez

Monday, December 10, 2018

Back from the near dead...not 100% but getting there.

This week in learning:
Math: We are beginning ANGLES and several students still do not have a protractor. Without it then cannot do this unit. They are 5$ at Walmart. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

ELA: working on myths of constellations. Suffix/prefix quiz going home today. We will create Greek art work to go with the constellation story tomorrow. 

SCIENCE: students are working on their planets and will be building their aliens this week. Send any material to school for construction Thursday Dec 13th. Science test on Astronomie is also that same day. 

SOCIAL: I still need to know what riding you belong to if you want your child to vote in that riding in the provincial elections. Students who live too far away or who do not respond will vote in Calgary Varsity.
Working on greek pamphlet. Test is tomorrow Dec 11th. As a head's up, our Greek games will be next Tuesday the 18th. Come dressed in Togas.

Religion: thank you to all that have sent in socks  and other goods for our Warm Socks campaign. Due date is next Monday. Christmas is a time to think of those less fortunate. Let's make this a donation to remember.
 Image result for socks
We continue with the second week of Advent...Love. I hope your children are partcipating in the random acts of kindness.

FLA: Verb quiz going home. I expect their writing to improve now that they have had a complete review. 
We will finish the novel this week and work on a final assignment.

ART: not all sketchbooks were handed in and not all silhouettes. Students are responsible for staying up to date with due dates. The Blog gives an overview, but the homework board gives due dates.

Christmas concert this week.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Chapitre 6
Grumeaux de pus : balles de mucus
Du solide : des preuves
Repéré : découvert
Voutes : anglais « vault »
Catapulter : jeter
Mulet : âne
Ruses : les étapes
S’effoirer : échouer
Décrète : commande
Échafaudages : plateformes
Avariée : endommagée
Lâcheté : faiblesse
Accablante : pénalisante
Vanter : se flatter (anglais brag)
Entamer : manger
Bévues : erreurs
Je bombe le torse : puff his chest out
Escroc : voleur
Envergure : largeur
Tripoter : manipuler (fiddle with)
Prévenir : avertir, dire a
Loufoque : bizarre
Berlue : hallucinations

I have registered students to vote in the upcoming provincial elections. It is a great way to be informed and make a decision based on their research. As such, I need to  know what riding they live in so I can order the correct amount of ballots (as opposed to all of them voting in the riding where St Luke resides). I need the answers by Monday Dec 10th. Here is the Elections AB website whereby you can search your riding if you are unsure.

Monday, December 3, 2018

This week in Learning:

FLA: we didn't get to chapters 5 and 6 last week, so that is on the agenda this week. Please make sure that summaries for each chapter are up to date as well as vocabulary lists.

ELA: We will be presenting the Greek god projects. Students will be chosen randomly.

Math: unit test on decimals this week the 6th.

Social: there will be a cumulative project presented today that will help students prepare for the unit test next week, the 11th. Everything you ever wanted to know about ancient Greece democracy.  

Science: Astronomie unit test next week, as well. I will present their cumulative project this week to work on in small groups...There is other life out there!

Religion: this week marks the begining of Advent. We will have an advent calendar of random acts of kindness to complete.

ART: C'est moi! silhouette project due this Friday. Sketchbook assignment on shape  due Dec 18th.

Please continue to practice the songs for the Christmas concert.
Warm Socks for the Streets: our class is collecting the woolen socks to be stuffed with other items collected by the other grades. Due date is Dec 17th. Thank you for your support.

Chapitre 5

Muqueuse : mucus

Ouaouaron : une grenouille

Un pan : un morceau

Un mégot : une cigarette

Les babines : les lèvres aussi pp 67 badigoinces

Les méninges : le cerveau

Décarcasser : bouger en entortillant

Chaviré : bouleversé

Posologie : dosage de médicament

Péripéties : les mésaventures

Énigme : problème

Boulot : travail

Rebrousser : retourner

Désemparé : s’inquiéter

Enfourner : manger

Une nuque : la tête

Ça sonne dans le beurre : personne ne réponds au téléphone