Friday, May 31, 2019

Last Social Unit test Monday
Students need to email me with their list of art materials needed for Monday
CTF escape rooms to be shared Monday

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Field trip tomorrow:
The weather is calling for nice in the am and beginning to rain in the pm. Please bring

  •  a light jacket in case
  • lunch and snacks
  • water bottle
  • sketchbook
  • pencil and eraser
  • a great attitude
  • you are free to bring your phones or ipads, but you are solely responsible

Monday, May 27, 2019

This week in Learning:

Math: instead of having an exam at the end of this unit, students are asked to create a design using transformations.This is due Wednesday. i will send them iPad APPs that they can use to help with Math concepts in preparation for the PAT's. I will send these to their gmail acct. 

Science: we have finished the teaching part of trees and forests. Test will be on June 5th next week. For the remainder of the time, students will be in groups and have to compete for a plot of forest depending on their "organisation". 

SOCIAL: we will be finishing the last chapter this week. The test on chapters 7 & 8 on Monday June 3rd.

FLA: we are working on the lip sync presentation and will choose groups for round II of Hockey Lecture today.

Health: What is cool? and first aid treatments.

Religion: finishing the Easter Season this week with a quiz next Thursday. Also we will continue Kids in the Know. 

ART: students are researching and reproducing an abstract artist either alone or in a group.

IMPORTANT: we visit the Library this week. Hopefully your children have  a library card in order to access certain programs at the library.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Here is the link for lip sync song for this year as well as the lyrics. Practice please

L’oiseau et l’enfant
Comme un enfant aux yeux de lumière
Qui voit passer au loin les oiseaux
Comme l'oiseau bleu survolant la Terre
Vois comme le monde, le monde est beau
Beau le bateau, dansant sur les vagues
Ivre de vie, d'amour et de vent
Belle la chanson naissante des vagues
Abandonnée au sable blanc
Blanc l'innocent, le sang du poète
Qui en chantant, invente l'amour
Pour que la vie s'habille de fête
Et que la nuit se change en jour
Jour d'une vie où l'aube se lève
Pour réveiller la ville aux yeux lourds
Où les matins effeuillent les rêves
Pour nous donner un monde d'amour
L'amour c'est toi, l'amour c'est moi
L'oiseau c'est toi, l'enfant c'est moi.

Moi je ne suis qu'une fille de l'ombre
Qui voit briller l'étoile du soir
Toi mon étoile qui tisse ma ronde
Viens allumer mon soleil noir
Noire la misère, les hommes et la guerre
Qui croient tenir les rênes du temps
Pays d'amour n'a pas de frontière
Pour ceux qui ont un cœur d'enfant
Comme un enfant aux yeux de lumière
Qui voit passer au loin les oiseaux
Comme l'oiseau bleu survolant la terre
Nous trouverons ce monde d'amour
L'amour c'est toi, l'amour c'est moi
L'oiseau c'est toi, l'enfant c'est moi
L'oiseau c'est toi, l'enfant c'est moi
L'oiseau c'est toi, l'enfant c'est moi.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

This week in Learning:

MATH: we are struggling with Transformations so will spend some more time on that this week. It is a very visual task, so practice makes perfect. 

FLA: we finished the movie and students will answer questions and hand in their assignments this Friday. Includes title page, vocab and questions. Then it is onto Lip sync song and Round 2 of Hockey Lecture

ELA: Today we began a practice reading comprehension of an old PAT. We will also finish our collective book that we made with the grade 2/3 class.

SCIENCE: continue the life of trees and the forest ecosystems, and water cycle which should be a review from last year.

SOCIAL: We will finish up how Canada makes diversity work and the test on chapters 7 & 8 will be on June 3rd (tentatively).

I have all the volunteers for our outing to the Central Library. Thank you to Jason, Naomi, Sarah and David. I am in the middle of preparing some activities to make it a fun day.

PARENTS: I NEED those pictures!!!

Our volunteer tea servers did an amazing job in their roles today. Felicitations les amis!

Apparently there is a contest for the class who has the most parental representation at Council meeting after school today...they get a pizza party. Come to the Council meeting at 4h00!
Some students are asking for a schedule for the PAT's already so I am including it here. I really don't want them to fret. We have yet to finish our curriculum and there will be plenty of time to study and review in the month of June.

Wednesday June 12 Part A MATH: this is without a calculator. 15 basic math facts

Thursday June 13 FLA Part B : 
Reading comprehension

Friday June 14th SCIENCE 

Monday June 17th: PART B MATH: 
40 problem solving questions

Tuesday June 18th: ELA PART B: 
reading comprehension

Wednesday June 19 SOCIAL STUDIES

Students can begin to review on their own. In June I will spend some time helping them choose the best response for Multiple Choice questions and making sure they circle the right answer on the sheet. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Field trip form went home yesterday. Please sign and return by next Friday in order to join us. I am still in need of one volunteer.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Math test going home today to be signed and returned. If they are not returned, I am assuming that your child did not share it with you.

Monday, May 13, 2019

This week in Learning:

SOCIAL: how the Charter of Rights helps those who are discriminated against and how the Supreme Court works.

SCIENCE: parts of the leaf and photosynthesis learned today.
There will be a quiz on the parts of the tree and wood this Thursday. 

MATH: in the process of correcting the tests from last week. This week we begin transformations.

FLA: we begin a film study called Belle et Sebastien. It is a great way to listen to other French accents for comprehension.

ELA: finishing Newspapers. We will then move onto reading comprehension

RELIGION: Today we had the Pro-Life presentation on the development of the baby. Our speaker said the students were the most respectful she has seen to date. 
Image result for clapping
The rest of this week, we will look at the parts of the reproductive systems.

ART: we will begin our last element of art...color. I will be taking out the paints tomorrow, so maybe not wear good clothes. 

This WEEK: Gala auditions between Mme Jasmine's class and ours
Lip Sync auditions for division 2 Wednesday at 11h30
Friday is a PD day...extra-long weekend for you.

I REALLY need to start getting those baby pictures in so that I am not in a rush at the end of theyear. A HUGE thanks to Kristina for agreeing to coordinate the Farewell. All other communication will come from her moving forward.

Monday, May 6, 2019

This week in Learning:

FLA: PAT tomorrow. Students shouyld be reviewing tonight what an opinion letter looks like and what to include. They are also writing a story from the prompt. Aas well, the class Gala is this Friday.

ELA: PAT Thursday. Students should be looking at what a newsarticle looks like and what to include and review Cathy Beveridge's notes on how to write a short story.

MATH: we are finishing unit 7 and the test is slated for Friday. We have one more unit until we begin preparing for the PAT's. Students should be reviewing all lessons to date. A little bit every night, will help.

SCIENCE: reviewing leaves and their types, shapes and sides.

SOCIAL: The Charter of Rights and how it affects all decisions in Canada.

RELIGION: beginning Family life

Coming up this week:
Marian celebration Friday 10am
Fetal development nex Monday 12h30

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Sante: I put the wrong day for due dates. We have Sante on Days 3, so that is when assignments are due.

SOCIAL STUDIES: We did a research assignment today on the Federal Government. The questions and links are on your gmail page. Send it to me when you complete it.