Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday April 30th:

Sorry for the delay in posting. Up until 11h30 I had no internet service and have been working with Shaw for the past 2 hours! A little frustrated with technology but I hopefully we can connect at 1pm for GM. 

If your parents havent done so, please get them to look at their email for a Sign-up Genius so we can chat together and about how things are going. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday April 29th

Bonne Fête à Anna, allez sur GC pour lui chanter

Posted today: answers to Math questions and Fiche 8
Work on your ELA news article. I haven't received many essays nor creative projects from the novel study yet. Consider handing those in.
FLA tomorrow will be letter writing.
Enjoy the sun today.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday April 28th SEMAINE 5
I have a online session today at 1h so I will be meeting you at 2pm today. 
The GC has been updated with lots to do.
Religion: why we pray
ES: lieutenant gouverneur
ELA: we will look at news articles today
Math: l'aire d'un at 2pm
Final week for Spring photo challenge.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday April 27: 
Today is a PD day. I will not be answering students' querries today. I will see you tomorrow at 1h for a math lesson on GM.
The spring photo challenge will continue for this week if you have not submitted a photo.

Friday, April 24, 2020

more Earth day activities:
from Sophie

Thursday, April 23, 2020

So I reconfigured the google Classroom and the Google Meets link is now directly on the picture. For today's meeting go the GC and click on the link that is in the picture of our classroom in the Villa. 
Jeudi le 23 avril:
Math Fiche 7

Ma famille est allée pour une promenade avec mon chien et on a aussi fait de la bicyclette.  Nate 
Tricycle clip art , summer toys graphics (With images) | Tricycle ...

Moi et Licorice avons planté des graines de  fleurs et j'ai composté les vieilles feuilles mortes. Souvenez-vous des fleurs qu'on a essayé de pousser au début de l’année dans notre Villa et ensuite elles étaient remplies d'insectes! 🤣

For earth day we did our work only using natural sunlight and the same tonight... in other words we are not turning on any light at all. Kenadee 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

mercredi le 22 avril: Earth Day

I have posted some info on Earth day on GC. share with me how you celebrated.

Priorities for assignments:
ELA novel comprehension test
Math homework and corrections. Fiche 7 to come tomorrow
ELA writing assignment
ELA creative assignment
Religion on Peter
I have already had some amazing photos of kids for Spring challenge..Keep them coming!
****I have deleted the FLA reading comprehension. Calla filled it out but nothing showed up. I will send a new one... If you did it before, good for you! There is no wasted learning. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

mardi le 21 avril

Math: périmètre. PP was sent to gmail with homework. Also there is a review website to see if you understand.

Padlet wall: write messages of sympathy to Mme Browne, who lost her mother during the break. I will send it Friday. please sign your name.

Religion assignment on Peter posted. Add a pebble to your suitcase.

Science: sent several videos on how airplanes fly.

ELA work: only 9/20 students did the comprehension questions of the novel we wrote. Work on the creative activity. The writing portion I expect at least 4 paragraphs: introduction, 2 paragraphs, conclusion. I will revisit the news article next week, but if you want to begin remember format. You are a reporter writing about the slide in Frank in 1903.

Social: le gouvernement Provincial, answer question in Google Doc and submit to me.

What I am finding the most difficult about learning from home is the myriad of places to find student work. If at all possible, try to send everything through DRIVE or GMAIL, add your name and don't wait too long to submit work. Thanks for your help with this.

Monday, April 20, 2020

This week in Learning:

Math: answers to fiches 4 and 5 have been posted. Tomorrow we will look at perimeter during Google Meets @1pm.

ELA: I have posted the after novel activities. You need to choose one from each bundle. One is a written assignment, while  the other is more creative. Both can be sent to me via Google docs or send a picture with an explanation. Mme Amanda has also sent the next chapter of her book reading.

FLA: I have not received many answers for the reading comprehension so I reposted the assignment. Upcoming this week is another reading comprehension and activity about Covid.

Social Studies: I sent an assignment to help students get to know the provincial government. The final assignment for this unit will be coming later. 

Science: in Gmail, I sent 4 videos about the plane movements and parts that studens should view. I so appreciate the help of my colleague at Holy Name school for helping in this unit.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

May you find peace and love in these difficult times.
 Rest and we will see you Monday April 20th.

Bon jeudi saint.
Lentolopy officially ends today as we will be on holidays after 3h30 today. So for today, read the Bible for 10 minutes. You may want to read the Passion of Christ as you go through your Stations of the cross.

I have posted new assignments and answers on classroom. 
See you at 10 for the liturgy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

You can watch this video from Father Cristano about Holy week in these times.

Holy Week Greeting

Thursday at 10am we will be having a virtual celebration for Easter. I will present the PP and will call upon students who are present to read passages or psalms. Your parents are more than welcome to join us as we go into our Easter holiday. It will be on Google Meet. Other classes in our school will also be presenting so if you are not present at ours, you can join one of your siblings and vice versa. See you then.
Bon mercredi. J’espère que le soleil reste avec nous.

J'ai posté Fiche 4 et 5 et le dernier chapitre de Shadows aujourd’hui. 

Lentopoly: Pick up garbage around the neighbourhood when you out for a walk or help declutter the house.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

mardi 7 avril 2020
Bonne fête à ma mère!

Aujourd’hui je vais enseigner les maths à 1h. Wear green to show support for the Broncos

Lentopoly today: Extra sacrifice for 4 tokens: give up something you really enjoy today. It could be sweets, complaining, video games ect.

A cute video from our Federal government.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Bon lundi matin. J’espère que vous avez passez une belle fin de semaine. Allez sur Flipgrid de FLA  pour me dire ce que vous avez fait. Quoi de neuf comme on le fait lundi matin.

This week in learning: See Google Classroom
FLA: reading comprehension

ELA: chapter 13 and later this week 14. Comprehension questions. Novel test on Thursday.

ES: a short video on municipal and federal governments working together.

MATH; polygons. I will teach the lesson tomorrow on GM (google meets) with assigned homework to come.

Religion: the Stations of the cross. I would also like you to make a palm to go into your Lent suitcase. Yesterday was Palm Sunday and the people chanted Hosanna which literally means "Save Us, Help Us"...How appropriate in these times.
Lentopoly: Collect 2 tokens for passing Go. Prayer street: pray for someone who needs a prayer at this time.  See google Drive for another fun assignment for teachers.

Tomorrow is Green shirt day in honor of the Broncos that persished 2 years ago and one of them brought attention to organ donation. Wear green for our GM tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Yeah c'est vendredi!
Lentopoly today: light a candle and pray for your grandparents and because it's Friday, here's a second one...cheerfully volunteer to do someone else's chores for a day.

Pour la Fiche de Math, quand vous dessinez un triangle il faut que vous ajoutez toutes les informations qui sont fournis pour vous. Si ça dit que ligne AB= 3 cm, tu dois écrire 3cm près de la ligne AB. Même chose avec les angles.

Je vais vous voir a 1h aujourd'hui. 

Passez une belle fin de semaine.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Bonjour jeudi le 2 avril 202

Lentopoly: This is perfect for these times...Extra blessing card says to make a card for someone lonely and deliver it...just put it in the mailbox.

I posted math Fiche 3 on the classroom. I will meet with students today on Google meet. Here is the link;
It will always be this link and I have scheduled meetings every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday @ 1pm. This will be a time to chat and ask questions on weekly assignments. If students want their own time without others present, they can email me and we can set up a private chat. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Joyeux poisson d'avril!

Lentopoly today:
In confession. Spend a few minutes with God  and then say an act of contrition.
See the source image