Monday, December 18, 2017

Twas the week before Christmas...
Image result for you think your job is tough try teaching

This Week in learning:

ELA: finishing the god/goddess project

FLA: finishing the novel study

MATH: dividing by decimals. Quiz tomorrow

Science: Test tomorrow on Evidence 

Social: continuing Ancient Anthens: who lived there and what were their responsibilities.

Religion: covenants and presenting Social Justice projects this week

We have an Advent celebration in the morning and I plan on having a movie in the afternoon with snacks and such. Please send a healthy snack with your child. We have yet to choose a movie, but it will be PG.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Mots de vocabulaire de chapitre 5

Devoir D’études Sociales

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Gingerbread decorating contest today! Thanks to all who brought one in. Raffle tickets will be sold tomorrow and Thursday and draw will take place Thursday @ 11h30. 

This week in Learning:
FLA: I am going to try and wrap up the novel study before Christmas, which means that chapter 5 and 6 will be this week, 7 next week. Vocabulary words are on this BLOG and summaries should be up-to-date.

ELA: working on prefixes and continuing the research on Greek gods. I also hope to finalize that before the holidays. If you are behind, light a fire behind your behind!

MATH: continuing decimals. We have finished multiplying and are moving onto dividing them.

SOCIAL: I had hoped to move onto Ancient Greece, but that has been delayed a bit. Postcards on "Horton" are due this Friday. Some students still have not done their current events project. Are you one them?

RELIGION: Advent preparation and covenants. We will also be presenting Social justice projects all next week.

ART: painting galaxies with acrylic paints.

MUSIC: students will self-evaluate their performance and preparation for the Christmas concert. We will begin a research/ analysis of a French song/artist.

Last note:
SEVERAL students are NOT changing for Physical Education. This is NOT an option but a requirement. Their health mark is affected if they do not change. As adolescents their sweat glands are working overtime and they need a change a clothes so that they do not stink all day long. Please bring a change, if not for them, for me! Thank you for your cooperation.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Image result for choir clipart

Thank you to all who supported us in the Christmas concert last night. Your children were amazing and proved to be mature in the face of uncertainty and "technical" difficulties. I am priviledged to be their teacher! Merci

Monday, December 4, 2017

to parents and students for the amazing results 
of the Bake Sale! Thank you to the parent committee who organized it all. Your efforts are truly appreciated.

chapitre 4 vocabulaire

To those parents who were not able to make it to the interview times, if you would like to meet, I am available most days until 4pm and I arrive at 8am. Just send me a note with options and we can set up a time. My main comment to all parents is that students have a tendency to be super social and we are losing valuable time in learning. We have a lot to cover yet this year. Thank you for your cooperation.

This week in Learning:

Monday: begins Netball, clay project in the a.m.

FLA: continuing chapters 4 and 5 of "les crayons qui trichent. Students should have all vocabulary and chapter summaries up-to-date. I have 21/29 letters from Phil in my possession. Have you sent yours?

ELA: working on Greek god research. This is to be done at school, not at home, at this time. I want to be able to discuss proper websites, and how to cite them. Creativity is a must.

MATH: I will be going over again how to read and write decimal numbers. Next up, adding and multiplying them.

SOCIAL: finishing the movie "Horton hears a WHO" and then students will be writing a postcard as one of the characters, focusing on rights and responsibilities (how they go together).

Religion: Advent began yesterday. We will look at our covenant with God, that is, how will we prepare for Jesus' coming. Still practicing the nativity/song for the concert. Speaking of which, students are asked to wear Dark bottoms (pants, skirt/black or navy) and white top, except Mary. The students with specific roles were asked to wear special headwear. You know who you are.

Christmas concert Thursday night @ St Luke's church. I promise no homework that night!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Image result for clay art clipart
Please don't wear nice clothes on Monday Dec 4th. We are doing a clay project and will be getting dirty...or else bring a smock/apron or large man's shirt that can get dirty. Merci

Monday, November 27, 2017

Calling all creative decorators!

The grade 6 student council is putting on a gingerbread house decorating contest for all interested grade 6 students. If you would like to participate in this event, you are asked to bring an already assembled gingerbread house to school on Tuesday December 12th along with some icing and candies to decorate it. Students can be a group of up to 4 people. They will be given 30 minutes to decorate their house. At the end, the houses will be put on display and raffled off to the general school population for 50 cents per ticket or 3 tickets for 1$. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Mustard Seed campaign that we are also involved in. It should be a fun event and we look forward to seeing the creative juices flowing. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask Mme. Colette or your student council for more details.

This week in learning:

FLA: REading chapters 3,4 and 5 and working on vocabulary. If students are absent when we work on vocabulary, the words are on this BLOG. Letters from the main character should have already been sent to  my Learn account. If not, make sure that it is done.

ELA: finishing with Reader's Theater and then moving onto a research project which will coincide with Social Studies. It will be on a Greek god. The purpose of this research is to just that...Research....good research and good websites and taking out the right information. Most students take the easy road and just take things from Wikipedia...not ok! They need to delve deeper and "I can't find the information" is not an excuse. 

SOCIAL: Test chapter 2 tomorrow. Beginning Chapter 3 Ancient Greece this week.

Religion: Working on our Social Justice project and Advent is around the corner. We will be looking at covenants, which are promises made between people.

MATH: tests went home last week and should be signed and returned. Working on the unit on decimals. Students need to be conscientious enough to ask for extra one on one help if they need it. When I ask, they say they get it, and the tests show otherwise. I don't bite!

MUSIC: Christmas concert

ART: acrylic and watercolor painting

Monday, November 20, 2017

This week in Learning:
FLA: continuing novel study and moving onto homophones in grammar. Sentence component test is going home today to be signed.

ELA: Reader's Theater. Students will present to our class for a grade and to their grade 1 reading buddies later. 

SOCIAL: finishing chapter 2...TEST November 28th. Beginning chapter 3: ancient Greece with respect to Democracy.

MATH: Test today. Will be starting Chapter 3 which is decimals. In French, we put a comma instead of a point to show decimals. 

ART: moving onto acrylic painting in the near future. Sketchbooks are due December 11th.

Health: we will be looking at Growth can you change your thoughts to do better. We will be making monster posters. Ask your child why we are using monsters.

MUSIQUE: practicing for the Christmas concert, lyrics and song in previous post.

Christmas Concert info:
Here is the link to the song and the lyrics are below

Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day.
Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible said,
Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.   
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today,
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day.
Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.
While shepherds watched their flocks by night,
they see a bright new shining star,
they hear a choir sing a song, the music seemed to come from afar.

Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today,
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day.

And then they found a little nook in a stable all forlorn,
and in a manger cold and dark, Mary's little boy was born.
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today,
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day.
Mary's boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.

Oh my Lord                                 You sent your son to save us
Oh my Lord                                Your very self you gave us
Oh my Lord                                That sin may not enslave us
And love may reign once more
Oh my Lord                                when in the crib they found him
Oh my Lord                                A golden halo crowned him
Oh my Lord                                They gathered all around him
To see him and adore                 (This day will live forever)
Oh my Lord                               (So praise the Lord)
They had become to doubt you
Oh my Lord                               (He is the truth forever)
What did they know about you
Oh my Lord                               (So praise the Lord)
But they were lost without you
They needed you so bad             (His light is shining on us)
Oh my Lord                               (So praise the Lord)
with the child's adoration
Oh my lord                                (He is a personation)
There came great jubilation
Oh my Lord                               (So praise the Lord)
And full of admiration
They realized what they had     (until the sun falls from the sky)

Oh my Lord                               (Oh praise the Lord)
You sent your son to save us
Oh my Lord                               (This day will live forever)
Your very self you gave us
Oh my Lord                               (So praise the Lord)
That sin may not enslave us

And love may reign once more

Friday, November 17, 2017

Wear blue on Monday for National Child’s Day Please!
Image result for national child day

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Math test has been moved to Monday November 20th. 

Music BLURBS need to be done on own time now (ie at home), including any corrections that I make before students can do the intercom program.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Welcome to November!

Jacket Racket seemed to be a huge success so thanks to everyone who gave.
This week in Learning:

FLA: continuing the Novel Study but taking a break from reading to work on a personal letter. Where did that art go anyway? We started by writing a practice letter to my mother so the kids could tell her all about me as a teacher! The good copy to hand in will go with the novel we are reading. We will also begin to work on homophones in French.

ELA: Readers Theater. Groups will be made this week and we will begin practicing.

MATH: test on Module 1 this Wednesday. After that we will move into Module 3 which is decimals.

SOCIAL: doing a quick run through of chapter 2 as we are a bit behind in the subject due to changing the classrooms. WE have mostly covered Chap. 2 already, just going more indepth. If you want to chat with your kids, talk about bias in the media, and the Charter of Rights and special rights accorded to First Nations and French and English. New dates have been assigned for current events. Students SHOULD be aware of the date they are to present and send me their presentation IF they are doing on PP. They can also just get in front of the class and present. News must be about politics...municipal, provincial or federal.

MUSIC: Students are repsonsible for the music program on the intercom now. They should have sent me their BLURB, I will correct it and then they can present when they receive a message from me saying their BLurb is good to go. NO class time to continue the blurbs, as the Chromebooks are reserved for Grade 3 SLA's.

ART: Vermeer in pastel.

Religion: Next week we will be doing Social Justice project research, however, this week, we will continue in the book and work on Gods' Holy Name and Maybe start looking at ADVENT.

CHRISTMAS concert:
The students really want to do a play, because I did one last year with the grade 6ers... HOWEVER...they are quite numerous and it is difficult to find  something with many roles. IF we do a play, not everyone will have a part, the others will democracy here sorry folks! I do however need to know who will even be availalbe on December 7th in the afternoon/evening. We do not have the confirmed date or time yet...but as soon as I will know. If you can at least give me an idea, that would help out a bit. Thanks.

No school Friday...PD day...have fun

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Thank you to Moira, Charmaine and Kandy who are organizing the Bake Sale for P-T interviews. An email will go out this week for students to sign up for shifts and for parents to bake and send goodies. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Vocabulary words for "Les crayons qui trichent"

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Progress reports around the corner...still looking for assignments to be handed in so I can mark them. Stress levels are high and not all students are showing up to work.
Last week, after class, I picked up 3 pairs of snowpants, 2 lunch boxes and a myriad of pencils and paper. It is not my job to pick up after your kids, nor is it the janitor's job. By grade 6, we expect students to be self sufficient in caring for their things...please have a discussion with your child about this important responsibility and thank you for your support in this matter.
Image result for messy lockers

This week in Learning

Religion: finishing presentations on Moses' Life and how he was guided by God's Light. Remebrance Day celebration on Friday. Thank you to those students who came forward to help the grade 1 and 3's with singing. Next on the list...Social Justice projects/research.

MATH: Finishing plotting coordinates and moving onto understanding equality with respect to equations. A unit Test will be coming next week.

ELA: We are finished with Vermeer novel Study and it is due Wednesday Nov 8th. This includes chapter questions, a newsarticle and pentomino puzzle. Next up: Reader's Theater

FLA: Working on novel "Les Crayons qui Trichent" Students with difficulties reading, should be re-reading it for a better understanding. We are working on vocabulary and letter writing will be our big activity for this unit. Quiz on "parts of the sentence" this Friday. We have been working on lot of exemples in class. It is meant to help students with their writing abilities.

SOCIAL: we are finishing with debates this week. We had 2 yesterday and they were really well done. Lots of respect, lots of researched data and good arguments. Next chapter will look more closely at our constitution.

ART: Vermeer "painting"...only we are using pastels. Some students have not yet handed in their hand prints...still waiting...
Sketchbook focus is on shape.

MUSIC: Students are writing "blurbs" so they can do the listening program over the intercom.

Image result for bake sale
AS of yet, no one has stepped forward to organize the Bake Sale which should take place during parent interviews. A few people said they would help and would definitely bake, but no one has said they would organize those helpers. Please consider this yet again. It only takes someone to send out an email with a sign up sheet for goodies and student, get a float and count the money...or at least just send out the sign up sheet. Please help, or decisions will need to be made with respect to the Farewell.

Friday, November 3, 2017

DUE Monday:
Lots of time has been given in class for the following projects and are now due:
Vermeer Novel Study
Religion: Moses' life
Health: poster of playground rule

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Grade 6 Council Candidats

And the elected are:
Jacob Hansen, Maya Ludwig, Julius Oliverio, Kristina Papazyan and Charlotte Stappler. Felicitations a tous les candidats.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Jacket Racket is under way this week. Please send gently used or new winter clothing for this worthwhile fundraiser.
Image result for jacket clip art
Tuesday: wear Orange and/or Black
Wednesday: Faith Day: no school

This week in Learning:
FLA: starting a novel study and reading and vocabulary work is MUST for this assignment. I will be reading ahead of the students, working vocabulary that I believe they won't know and then it is up to them to continue to do the same in order to comprehend the novel.

ELA: working on newspaper articles for Vermeer and Pentominos (get those brains working). The novel study will be due next week.
Quiz on FIgures of speech Thursday Nov 2nd

MATH: using graphing and coordinates. There is a quiz on the first part of chapter one Thursday Nov 2nd, Les regularites et les variables.

SOCIAL: There is still one student who has not written the test. AS soon as that is done, they will go home and need to be signed and returned. Working on debates this week.

RELIGION: Looking a Moses' life and how he was guided by God's light.

ART: Painting a la Vermeer, one point perspective

MUSIQUE: almost done with presenting projects and then students will be in charge of the music program over the intercom after lunch. Some may have to revamp their blurb as not enough information was given with respect tot he genre they chose.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Forgot to add!!!
FLA comic books are due Nov 3rd.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week of October 23-27

FLA: We had our last class for working our comic book and our speeches about democracy today. Our next unit will be a novel study and we will learn new vocabulary words as we go.

ELA: We have finished reading Vermeer and are now working on a practice newspaper article and then the students will work an article that will be marked. The article will be based on the novel Chasing Vermeer. (FYI...For the PAT's, students need to know how to write a newsarticle).

MATH: Using variables to describe patterns. This is a bit like algebra whereby we can figure out an unknown by keeping equations balanced. 
Ex: 8n = 8 x n   
or 8n + 25 = 97 how do you figure out what "n" stands for.
or if the pattern is 33, 34, 35, 36  then the expression would be 33+n and n=1

Social STUDIES: Just finished test for the introduction adn chapter one. We now move onto chapter 2 which Democracy in Action. We have speeches and elections for Student Council on Wednesday @ 1pm. Students Not running for council will present speeches onThursday.

ART: Sketchbooks are due Oct 27th

RELIGION: God is...

Thursday Crazy Hair day and Pizza day

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Votes are in!
We were one of 252 schools to participate in the Student Vote Election. Of those 252, only 217 submitted their results. We were close to the real Election results in a few of the categories. 
The grade 6ers voted Nenshi as mayor.
Ward 1: students voted for Coral Bliss Taylor
Ward 2: students voted for Jennifer Wyness
Ward 4: students voted for Sean Chu
Ward 7: there was a tie for Margot Aftergood and Dean Brawn.
I truly believe that this was a superb learning experience for the students. Next week we begin the speeches  and voting for Student Council.

Monday, October 16, 2017

 Last week: we had a great time voting in the municipal elections, everything from the scrutineers to the booths were available. Results can only be made AFTER the polls close tonight @8pm.

This week in Learning:

MATH: beginning our Module 1 which looks at patterns and input/output machines (eventually this leads us into algebra) and mathematic equations. Tests need to be returned signed by parents.

FLA: finishing our comic books and beginning our speeches on elections and democracy. Students who have put forth their names to  run for council, will present a speech as to why we should vote for them. Students not in the election will make a speech about why democracy is and how it fits into their lives.
Verbs in ER present

ELA: assigned chapters 17 -20 with questions on Vermeer.
Beginning to look at news article writing and the steps taken to write one.

SOCIAL: Test on Monday October 23rd, introduction and chapter 1. We will begin this week to look at our rights and responsibilities and working on speeches for candidats and non-candidats.

Musique: presenting their projects to the class.

ART: sketchbook: lines   project: hands and fingerprints

RELIGION: I AM an image of God

Go VOTE and take your kids!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This week in learning:

Social Studies: We vote on Thursday Oct 12th. While I was away today, students were asked to research the candidates for mayor and the councilors in their ward. If they did not get enough time to do so, maybe just having a look at the profiles together with you , so they can make an informed decision as to whom to vote for.

ELA: we continue reading and comprehension questions for Vermeer. We will correct the question for chapters 9-12 tomorrow.
I will also be going over the "how to" write a newspaper article.

FLA: finishing the movie "Hoodwinked" for French oral comprehension and working on their comic books. 

MATH: test for module 2 is Thursday the 12th of Oct. We will begin Module 1 as well this week. During the in-service today, it was re-iterated how important it is that students know their basic facts for + - x and division. Please, please, please continue to review them if your child is weak. Play games with cards, or online, or flashcards. Whatever works for them. 

Music: projects should have been shared with me, however I have only received 3 to date. If your child has not done so, please remind them to email or share on Google learn account.

Religion: We were instrumental in gathering 19 boxes of food for Feed the Hungry at St Luke church and we received a beautiful thank you from the organizer, including how special the cards were for the recipients. This week we will look at what it means to be a light.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

I will be away on Tuesday Oct 10th as I have a grade 6 teacher inservice. Therefore the Math test will be moved to Thursday in order for the students to have enough time to ask questions upon my return and prepare well. 
Happy Thanksgiving to all; enjoy family, friends and a great long weekend.
Image result for thanksgiving

Monday, October 2, 2017

This week in learning:

MATH:  quizzes have been returned to students. I do not ask for quizzes to be signed, but tests do need a signature. We are working on positive and negative numbers and where they fall on a number line, comparing them. There will be a test on Module 2 next Wednesday October 11th.

SOCIAL: we are working on nominations for candidates for grade 6 Student Council, as well as informing ourselves about the candidates for the municipal election. We are voting for Calgary elections on October 12 and/or 13th. The ballots are on their way.
All students have been assigned a date to do current events and must do so on their date. Current events must be about government, whether, municipal, provincial or federal. 

FLA: a study on comic books was due last Friday. I have not received all of them yet. Due dates are to be strictly adhered to. 
This week, we will be working on turning a story into a comic book and watching a film that relates to science (crime and evidence).

ELA: chapters 5-8 have been assigned along with comprehension questions. We are also going to work on good paragraphs and figures of speech.

ART: onomatopeia  words are due. Next up...fingerprint art.

MUSIQUE: Projects are du OCT 10th. A lot of time in class has been put aside for this and now students need to finish on their own.

RELIGION: still talking about friendship and will be working on how to make other people's Thanksgiving a good one. ie: Feed the Hungry hampers.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The following is the Learn Alberta website, which has a lot of information regarding education in Alberta.

To access information on the learn Alberta site use the following username and password:

User: LA05 (zero)
Password: 3403 (zero)
I don’t find it very user-friendly but there are some good points to it, such as the Online Reference in the middle tab is a good place to go to for good websites, when doing research.

This website gives an overview of the Grade 6 program…(easier to click here than to search learn alberta)

math homework... do the circled numbers/letters

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Image result for food drivePlease don't forget to send in items for our food drive
Math quiz is tomorrow Wednesday Sept. 27
French quiz on expressions with AVOIR and ETRE is Friday Sept. 29

Friday, September 22, 2017

This week in Learning:
Thank you to all the parents and students who came to the interviews. It was nice to put a name to a face. We are beginning our Food Drive campaign from now until October 4th. Please donate generously to St Luke Feed the Hungry. Thank you in advance.
Thursday is the Terry Fox run. Please consider sending a donation of a toonie to go towards cancer research. It is also Tacky Tie day...go into dad's closet and find his ugliest tie and wear it with pride. Since the grade 6ers are the leaders, I would hope that their participation is evident as these are the themes that won majority votes. 
Friday is school picture day. 

Students are asked to find their Ward and which candidates are running in their ward, as well as the candidates running for mayor. Please sent the information to my learn account by Wednesday Sept. 27. I have registered the class to vote in this election through Student Vote and need the number of ballots per ward so they can vote on Oct. 13th. I think it will be exciting for the students to vote for the candidates, even if their vote doesn't count yet. We are learning the process. Here is a link to calgary elections:

MATH: quiz on Module 2, Lessons 1,3,4 on Tuesday Sept 26.
We are working on order of operations (PDMAS), integers, and ordering integers (anyone need a math lesson?)

ELA: chapters 1-4 have been assigned and will be working on those chapters and comprehension questions in class. Figures of speech can be reviewed each night.

FLA: students have been assigned a comic book that they need to write a resume on, have a glossary of more difficult words and a title page. We will be working on this for the next 2 full classes before it becomes homework. Also working on the verbs VENIR and FAIRE. A quiz on expressions with AVOIR will be on Friday Sept 29.

RELIGION: working on a plasticine scene about a time that they befriended someone. they had a difficult time with this, because it is easier to think of how we becaome best friends with someone. But I told them that it is more difficult to love our "ennemis" than it is our it is an exercise in going the extra mile.

MUSIQUE: still working on the music genre research.

ART: onomatopeia words in bold colors

Monday, September 18, 2017

Numbers !, 5, 3 and 8 on page 61

number 12 on this page

this week in learning:
Any night that there is NO homework, students should be reviewing what we have already learned. There should never be a night without homework. Reading is also included in this speech!

I am still missing some forms: demographics
                                                      internet acceptable use policy
                                                      parent survey

Social Studies: students will be given access to Calgary Herald online to help with Current events. Every Social Studies class, 2 people will present a current event that has to do with government, whether municipal, provincial or federal. Students will know ahead of time what their date is to present. Information should not be too far in advance to avoid duplicate information. Here is the log-in information:
Calgary Herald log-in

Religion: We will be practicing for the school opening mass on Sept 26th @ 10a.m. I will choose readers and everyone sings. We are also looking at the importance of friendships.

Math: We have just finished multiples and will go onto prime numbers, composite numbers and factors. If your child has problems with multiplications...practice, practice, practice. 

Fr: we continue with graphic novels, terms, definitions and reading comprehension. This week we will begin a large project that turns a story into a graphic novel.

ELA: we will begin to read "Chasing Vermeer" and working on figures of speech. The book is chock full of them. Grown-up Rule narrative writing is due tomorrow Sept 19th.

Music: everyone should have their genre of music chosen for their research project. We have Chromebooks booked the 19th to work on this.

Terry Fox Run information:
Please send a donation of a "Toonie for Terry" this week to help find a cure for cancer. 
The run will take place on Thursday September 28th @ 12:45 (presentation in the gym) and 1pm for the actual run. Students are asked to bring their water bottles. 
I would need 2 volunteers to help with supervision at designated locations around the block. First 2 to reply to me in email will win! YEAH! 
Image result for terry fox

Friday, September 15, 2017

Image result for wipesWe have already been hit with sickness in the class. I would PLEASE ask that  you send a container of wipes to school so we can keep the desks clean and as germ-free as possible. It really helped last year and this year with more students and closer quarters, germs will continue to hit us if we don't strike now. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A faire numéro 14 de cette page

Numéros 1, 2, 3, 4 et 5

Monday, September 11, 2017

Here are the questions for the parent survey:

Your names:
What is your child's attitude toward learning?

What is your child's attitude toward learning French?

Does your child like to read in both languages?

What are your child's strengths, talents and interests?

What are your child's challenges at school?

Does your child make friends easily at school?

Does your child work well with others?

What are your child's needs and/or goals for this school year?

Does your child have any health issues?

Do you have any other information you would like to share with me about your child?

We still have not hammered out the details about how to mix the classes for Social Studies and Science with Mme Phelan, so those are still on hold a bit. Thank you for your patience.
This weekend I gave the parents a homework to do and received 7 back this morning. Please take the time to fill out information about your child so that I am better able to help them out. If you lost the sheet, I will attach another one here. Thank you for your cooperation.
This week in learning:
FLA: comic books or in Fr La Bande dessinée. Students are in groups and learning/reading their comic album and putting on a play about it to work their oral french. 
ELA: We are working on "The secret Life of Grown-ups" and students need to finish their rough copy ideas for their own rule by tomorrow. We will be writing good copies and adding illustrations later this week.
MATH: lesson 2 about numbers. How to read problems and figure out which operation is being asked to use. Cheat sheets will be given with vocab to help them out. 
MUSIC: research on a genre of music. Chromebooks have been booked and they are being asked to put together a slide show with history and examples of the genre they chose.
REL: what does our name mean and why did our parents name us what they did. Will be for homework if they don't already know.
PHYSED: They have started today and should have gym strip by the next class if they don't already. It is a requirement that students change for this class and it is part of their health mark. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome to the   2017 - 2018  School year!             
Image result for school

The first item for the week is for students to be able to say their big numbers in French. 
They need to be able to say 3 458 222: which is
trois million, quatre cent cinquante huit mille, deux cent vingt deux ( and write it out too). 
If your child is weak in math, it is a good idea to review EVERY night...even if they don't want to. For the PAT, there is now a fast fact section that gives them 15 questions to complete in 15 minutes. Practice, practice practice your multiplication and division tables.
Friday, they have a summer memory drawing due for Religion, glued into their scrapbook.
Every night, without question, reading in French to get back into it.