Friday, December 20, 2019

A very fun last day of, playing games and movie time. A very Blessed Christmas to all of you. May you find peace, love and beauty this season. Joyeux Noel! 
See the source image

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

MAth test tomorrow on decimals...all of chapter three.
Reader's theatre tomorrow
Advent celebration tomorrow at 10am
Students need to have completed the follwoing to participate in Friday's activities:

  • FLA la montagne noire novel  study
  • Etudes sociales pamphlet on  Greece
  • Art optical illusion

Thank you to all who donated to our fundraiser for Mission Mexico. We raised 135$
On a similar note, the Bake sale during interviews raised 407$. Thank you MERCI to all!

2 more sleeps...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

After Christmas we are having a special BFG celebration called "La galette de rois". We are asking parents to go to a sign up genius to help make enough for each BFG. Here is the link to the signup geniss. Please consider helping out. This will happen the day we return.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Still missing report card envelopes from the following students:
Riley, Andrea, Jack, and Cassandra. Please return asap.

This week in Learning:

This is a week of completing projects and units. A lot of time has been given to students in class to complete these projects, IF they spend their time wisely.

FLA: finish La montagne noire. Students are working on myth or Big Foot poster. DUE Wednesday

ELA: Reader's Theater will be presented on Thursday. Be ready.

MATH: unit test on decimals this Thursday.

SOCIAL: finishing pamphlet on Ancient Greece and studying for test on Wednesday.

SCIENCE: today we had a quiz on the phases of the moon. Some students need to retest Wednesday. We are looking at big exploration dates in astronomy  throughout the decades.

RELIGION: finishing Advent and preparing for Christmas. Looking at the Holy family.

If students want to participate in the gift exchange, they are to bring a gift by Wednesday in the amount of 10$. 

Open house is from 6- 7h30 but you do not need to be here the entire time. Come and go as you please.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

As the end of this 2019 comes to a close, here a few very important dates and upcoming events...get out your calendars:

vendredi 13 Religion magazine section on advent and Optical illusion ART due.

lundi 16 decembre: quiz phases de la lune and hand in sheet of observations from the past month.

mardi 17: Open house from 6-7h30, come and go, visit other classes. Grade 6 charity committee will be selling candy canes for Mission Mexico.

mercredi 18 French novel study due...includes title page, vocab, summaries, letter and project/poster. Test Etudes Sociales chapitre 3

jeudi 19 decembre math unit test on decimals. Advent celebration in the gym @ 10h.

FRIDAY December 20 we will have pj day, classroom party and film, games and gift exchange (optional). I will have a sign up sheet for the snacks. Students not finished work that is due will be asked to that before celebrating.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Chapitre 5 :
présider : diriger
porte-parole : représentant
périr : mourir
braconnier : chasseur
rater : manquer
décoller : s’envoler
couleuvre : serpent
abimer : user, caser
lanière : morceau de matérielle
déteindre : décolorer
freiner : ralentir
humer : respirer
bicoque : cabane
menottes : attaches, bracelets pour police
se livrer : pratiquer, entreprendre
s’emparer : capturer, saisir
fouineurs : chercheurs curieux
être cuit : en trouble
trafic : transport illégal
creuser : approfondir

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

We have not been very successful with measuring the shadows during the day due to the lack of sunshine, so I have sent students a few videos to watch in their gmail.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Thank you to all who made the time to see me for interviews. It is always appreciated to be on the same page as parents and to know what everyone's expectations are. 

Learning this week:

FLA: we are almost done the novel study. It will be due before holidays. Today students were told about a project to go with it, researching a monster/myth or making a WANTED poster for Big Foot. Once again, very few had read chapter 4 for discussion today. To date, students should have vocab and summaries for up to chpater 4, a letter and a title page.

ELA: students received their marks for Greek research. Today we went on a prefix hunt and for the remainder of the time before holidays, we will work on Reader's Theater. Acting using only the voice.

MATH: today we learned how to divide decimals. Practice is necessary to get better at it, and again, some students still need practice with multiplication tables.

SCIENCE: we will finish up the unit shortly. I expect the exam to be after the holidays, depending on how many disruptions we get in the next while.

SOCIAL: we look at the way Athens government was structured. Again, I expect the exam to be after the holidays.

RELIGION: We will finish our Advent magazine and have it ready to showcase for the open house next week.

ART: optical illusions will be due at the end of this week, if not done already. We will do a Christmas ornament this week. Sketchbooks; we are working on texture. Will be due after Christmas.

This week;
I hope to walk the neighbourhood this Tuesday and Wednesday.. So very few students handed in their premission slips, so as of tomorrow, no slip, no spreading joy.

Also due today was the sheet on height and weight for skiing. Not everyone handed theirs in.

Mission Mexico: bring a toonie for Thursday

Open House info: Escape room
For fun, I have planned several activities around our curriculum at several stations. When you have had enough, you can see me for lock puzzle. Solve it in order to be able to leave. Our performance with Mme Berko is at the end of the evening at around 7h25 - 7h30. Hope to see you there.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Chapitre 4
acérer : pointue
chanterelle : champignon
chaloupe : bateau
avoir marre : avoir assez, être ennuyer
clapotis : bruit dans le lac fait par un poisson
ferrer : accrocher
répugner : dégouter
verrouiller : barrer
ferraille : auto
nier : contredire
avouer : admettre
subitement : soudainement
ben flute : voyons donc
animée : agitée

Il y a 5 Membres du Parlement qui veulent une position à Ottawa. Ils sont:  Geoff Regan, Anthony Rota, Bruce Stanton, Joel Godin, and  Carol Hughes. Quelle est la position qu'ils veulent obtenir? 

Monday, December 2, 2019

This week in Learning:

ELA: presentations of greek gods

FLA: continuing with letter writing and chapters 4 and 5 in La montagne noire

SCIENCES: we are measuring shadows at different times of the day to see how the sun changes as we revolve around it.

SOCIAL: continuing with ancient greece. Today we learned who is a citizen, a meteque and a slave.
Next we look at the different roles of men, women and children.

MATH: continuing with decimals. Right now we are estimating the products and quotients, this week we look at actually multiplying and dividing them.

RELIGION: we began Advent today. Students have a scripture passage to reflect upon (manger scene) as well as from a devotional pamphlet. Students have also been assigned a part of a chapter in getting to know Mary and Jesus. The final product will be a magazine from the whole class.

HEALTH: quiz tomorrow on notes on how to study.

ART: sketchbooks due tomorrow...shape

This week: Bake sale items can be brought to the staff room first thing in morning (Thursday) or after school. I would write a sign saying that your goodies are for the Grade 6 Bake sale, as I cannot guarantee the teachers will keep hands off!See the source image

Book your interview time if you need to speak with me.