Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The next 2 weeks are crucial as we will be completing the necessary curriculum material to be able to successfully write the PAT's especially in Math, Social and Science.

In Math: we will finish transformations this week and then students will put their knowledge to the test by designing a skateboard and using the transformations in their design. They will need to describe what transformations they put into place accurately.

SCIENCE: today, students begin a poster of an AB forest tree putting into place all the knowledge they have learned on trees and their characteristics. Next week, we look at forest management. Permission slips for the Field trip are due this Friday.

ES: we are finishing the Federal Gov't this week and how the Constitution came into place. 

Religion: we have completed our Family Life portion of the curriculum and are moving onto how we serve God in the community.

ELA: we continue with Shadows of Disaster

FLA: the novel studies are coming along, but some students may need to reread chapters as the discussions of what they understood are limited to a few students...are you not reading? or are you not understanding? Mme needs to know.

Celebration for recipients of the Sacraments is this Thursday @1pm. If you are able, please join us if your child received a sacrament. 

Friday, May 27, 2022


If you have been sick, you are responsible for checking GC and your Gmail for assignments and what you have missed. You will write your missed tests the day you return. We have very little time left and all assignments and exams need to be accounted for.

Frisbee Rob challenge now due June 3rd

Rosary Booklet due May 31

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

This week in Learning:

MATH: we have finished probabilities and there will be a test on Thursday. We will begin transformations, our last unit before the PAT's 

SCIENCE: transpiration experiment is due tomorrow. This week we will look at fungi, lichens and look more closely at the trees in the AB forests.

HEADS up: we will be going to Weasel head park for a field trip on June 10th and I will need volunteers, let me know if you are available through email.

ES: we are writing provincial gov't test today and finishing off how to make a better Canada. We will be looking very closely at the constitution, so if you want some supper discussions, this is a good topic.

ELA: beginning novel study "Shadows of Disaster". Each night there will be chapter readings and comprehension questions to do.

FLA: the students chose to have 2 different novel studies for this term so they are separated into 2 groups. We do not have enough novels for everyone to do 1 novel study. I offered to read to them, but this is what they chose, all good. One group will read "les crayons qui trichent" and the other group will read "la montagne noire".

Religion: we will finish Family life

Musique: students will be presented a new project that is part research, part show/production. Details to come.

THURSDAY: Pizza theme day STAR Wars

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Update for the week:

Math fast facts was sent home yesterday to help in practicing for the Part A MATH PAT. If your child is struggling, please, change the numbers and give them some extra help in these basci math facts before mid June. We do some in class, but the more practice, the better.

Test in MATH unit 7 next Thursday 26th

Test in Social chapter 6 next Tuesday 24th

Music quiz has been moved to May 27th

Science experiment to do at home to see tree transpiration due next Tuesday 24th. It is on GC.

Monday, May 16, 2022

This week in Learning:

By the time you read this, the students will have survived their first PAT...job well done. Wednesday is ELA written portion.

MATH: we move to probability, both theoretical and experimental. Look for a unit test next week, most likely Wednesday or Thursday. Then we have only one more unit to go, transformations.

SCIENCE: we will look at photosynthesis this week. An at-home experiment will be given

ES: we finished the Provincial gov't last week and there will be a test next Tuesday. This week we look at how Canada has changed over the years and how the Constitution is a result of that.

FLA: we will do a novel study and more reading comprehension in the next month.

ELA: same as FLA

Religion: we begin Family life this week, but first begin with how Jesus teaches us about Dignity for all. We are also making a rosary booklet for our learning buddies.

PD day this Friday and Victoria day next Monday.


Friday, May 13, 2022

Our first PAT is Monday. It is FLA written portion and includes a fictional story based on a prompt and functional letter of opinion. We have practiced this past week. They are ready. To help ease their nerves I gave a few suggestions:

  • A good night's sleep Sunday
  •  A good breakfast 
  • bring a snack and water bottle as no one is permitted to leave the classroom for the 2 hour period. Students will have extra time so no need to rush. 
  • Have a Bescherelle, (I have some extras but not enough for everyone), and dictionnaries are allowed. Enough pencils sharpened to get them through or a pencil sharpener at their desk.
I have no doubt they will do a great job and have every confidence in them. I sent them home with some notes they can review for the weekend to help them out. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

This week in learning:

MATH: how to graph data properly, then how to choose which graph to use.

SCIENCE: today we looked at the types of trees and how to classify leaves and needles to determine what type of tree you are looking at.

ES: Continuing Provincial govnt. Almost finished this unit...test coming up soon. Students were to find out who our lieutenant governor is, who their MLA is and who the governor general is.

FLA: we are finishing posters on Asian history month, reviewing how to write an opinion letter and getting ready for the written portion of PAT's next Monday.

ELA: reviewing how to write a news article to be ready for the written portion of PAT's next Wednesday. 

Religion: human dignity and moving into Family life

Friday is the Marian liturgy. A link has been sent via the school newsletter.

Tuesday: French indigenous storyteller

Thursday: musical presentation


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

BLURB pour la présentation sur l'intercom est due vendredi. A finir votre recherche afin de commencer votre affiche le plus tôt possible

Tests de math à faire signer

Religion lenten journeys : no more class time after today...due Monday May 9th

ES: trouver qui est notre lieutenant gouverneur et qui est votre MLA et dans quelle circonscription êtes-vous.


Monday, May 2, 2022

This week in Learning:

ES: here is the website of the legislative Assembly in Edmonton and it has some great information for this unit for the students. 


SCIENCE: we continue to look at forests and what the stages of growth are.

MATH: we conduct experiments to use for data so that we are able to out the data in graphs and analyze it.

FLA: poetry recitals this week

ELA: we are taking the time to learn about Asian Canadinas who have helped develop this country. Students will be sharing their information on the intercom in pairs or alone in the morning. Although we are using English class to research, the project will be done in French.

Frisbee Rob is coming to speak to us about mental health May 4th and 5th and students are asked to wear a hat on May 5th...Hats off to mental health...poster due tomorrow.