Friday, April 29, 2022

personnages Asiatiques 

Voici le lien de la liste de personnes de descendances asiatiques de faire votre choix.

Le google doc pour inscrire vos noms (groupe de 2 ou seule) est envoyé à votre Gmail


lundi nous commençons les récitations de poèmes. mardi il y a un quiz sur la poésie

livret de poésie due jeudi

Tests for Sciences, Math and Social should be signed and returned

ELA stories are due today

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Student Wellness Day was today. We reviewed a lot of useful information and learned a lot more. Here is the Body scan video to help you relax and be in the moment.

Body Scan 

Your child should have a rap-up sheet to teach you what they learned and a gratitude journal for their bedside.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Bon retour et bienvenue au printemps!

This week in learning: 

MATH: we did a quick revision today and I am confident the students are ready for their test on Thursday. I had originally put it on Friday, but with time ticking, best to get it done. After that we move onto a  unit on statistics and probabilities.

SCIENCE: we test out our balloon operated vehicles today. Part of science is trying and failing and that's ok. Science tests will go home as soon as everyone has written it.

ES: we will begin on chapter 7...provincial government. Tests on municipal government will go home as soon as everyone has written it.

FLA: we will finish our unit on poetry this week and then next week, students will recite their selected poem. Poetry book will be due next week...stay on top of them. Review how to write a opinion letter for the PAT coming up in May.

ELA: students will revise their stories today and the good copy will be due this Friday. PAT written portions are coming up in May. Review how to write a newspaper article as you are all under way for story writing. We will review news articles shortly.

Religion: we will continue with the season of Easter, students will start putting together their Lenten maps of symbols placed in their suitcases.

Thursday is pizza day and Theme day: Disney character. Let's get 100% participation!

Monday, April 11, 2022

 This week in Learning:

MATH: finishing the unit. Today was area and tomorrow is volume.

FLA: continue poetry, today Calligramme which is  a shape poem in English. Book report due today

ELA: continue story from prompt

ES: test tomorrow

SCIENCE: test Wednesday. Notes on GC about final project, which is a vehicle that uses air as a propulsion. Because you need recycled materials, it is to work on during the break.

SANTE: empathy booklets were due Friday

Religion: Palm Sunday, Jesus' Passion and the stations of the cross

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I am trying to complete all units (that we are studying) before the break, however, Math is one that we may be a little shy of time. Here are some important dates for unit tests and completion of work before holidays:

ES: test chapitre 5 mardi 12

SCIENCE: test air et aérodynamique mercredi le 13

Religion Station of the cross or Virtue due Monday the 11th

FLA: rapport de livre lundi le 11

ART: gridding/agrandissment 14 avril

MATH: module 6 après Pâques le 29 avril

LIBRARY BOOKS returned the 11th


Monday, April 4, 2022

This week in Learning:

MATH: we will continue in Module 6 geometry and measurement. Looking at perimeter and area this week.

SCIENCE: we continue to see how a plane flies, and this Friday at 12h30 we have Emelie's dad coming to speak to us about aerodynamics. He is a helicopter pilot and is very knowledgeable in this field. TEST on this unit will be Wednesday April 13th.

ES: we have completed chapter 5...municipal govenment, and will prepare for the exam which is next Tuesday April 12.

FLA: we will have a short unit on poetry, which will include a memorization of a poem. 

ELA: today students will receive their prompt for their short story writing. If they stick to the rules we learned in class, they will succeed on the PAT's .

Religion: we look at the Gospel today and move onto the stations of the cross, which we will pray next week during Holy Week.

Music: projects on intruments due this week, we begin presenting Wednesday

ART: gridding, keep working on it

HELP Ukraine by purchasing a guess of how many candies in the jar. One guess per day, 2$ per guess.