Monday, March 2, 2020

This week in Learning:
FLA: we continue with poetry.Today students received the lyrics to a French song that they will recite, which is also the song they will perform for Lip Sync (2 stone). The lyrics need to be memorized. Date TBA.

ELA: reading "Shadows of Disaster" Chapter 2 reading and questions due tomorrow. Every day they can anticipate a chapter to read and do comprehension questions. 

Math: today we began ratios which in French is rapports. They are comparaisons between two sets of numbers. 

SCIENCE: Wednesday is the test on Air and Thursday we will refly the parachutes for improvements. We then go into the unit on flight.

SOCIAL: continuing local/municipal government. Some students did not hand in their sheets on what services are important to your family. We will look at how these governments are elected. March 13th Jason Copping is coming to speak to our students about the Provincial govnt.

Religion: we are playing a game called "Lentopoly", trying to get acts of kindness in during Lent. We are also learning about Jesus' journey through Lent.

CTF: tomorrow is the last day for working on posters and products. Students will also decide who is available to sell their wares during interviews.

Coming up:
The Virgin Mary is coming to our classroom and will travel throughout the school on a pilgrimage. Mary appeared to many young children to get them to pray the rosary. For this week, she is in our class and will move next Monday. 

Alien in-line skating in the gym all week means that we will be outdoors for physed. Dress appropriately. Students will be asked to invent a game for recess or a cooperative game in groups.