Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27 2020

Bonjour et bienvenu a vendredi! Quelle longue semaine! 

Today I posted the math test from before the shutdown. I look at the results, I will give you feedback, but that's all I can do at this time. It is more of a way to see if you are "getting" the material and understanding it. The social test was a learning curve for me as well...note to self, do not write the answers to short answers, because if it does not match exactly, Google forms marks it as wrong...Do know that I went back and corrected and you all have passed, so that's good. This is all NEW for us. Thank you again for your patience.

I will post Chapter 11 reading for Shadows and you can have fun with the science paper airplane activity. 

Lentopoly: Pray a decade of the rosary