Friday, March 22, 2019

Happy Spring Break...
Some of the projects that needed to be done this week may have to go home to be completed. Please note we have been working on these for some time now, so those that are behind, may be so due to work habits in class.

FLA: poetry booklet
Science: poster on Flight
ART: sketchbook texture and grid picture

LENTOPOLY for the week: Students can choose when they do each of these, but it is for a 24hr period 1h30pm-1h30pm religion time
1. No computer zone
2. Cheerfully do someone else's chore
3. Do someone's homework or chore for 2 tokens
4. Light a candle and pray for your godparents
5. Pick up trash in your neighborhood

Enjoy the time off and the sun...may it continue to shine!