Monday, March 4, 2019

This week in Learning:
Today we had dry land training and we go to the oval on Wednesday and next Monday. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help us out.

ELA: we continue working our way through Shadows of disaster. Chapter 3 questions are due tomorrow.

FLA: we began a unit on poetry today that will move us into the Gala oratoire, a French speaking forum for immersion students. We started with a fun take on words called a mot-valise which fuses 2 words together to make a new one. Creativity is the name of the game in this unit.

MATH: fractions test will go home tomorrow to be signed. I find that not all students return their tests that because you don't see them, or because they are living in students' backpacks? To prepare for the PAT's these returned tests will help enormously for studying. Please return them.
We are working on geometry next... a lot of vocabulary to review each night. 

SCIENCE: we will be moving into flight as we are nearly done air. Students will be making a poster about an animal or object that flies this week.

SOCIAL: continuing with Local government. Homework sheets that students needed to do with you on the services that use are due tomorrow. Several Social test on Iroquois did not return to school signed.
Actualité cette semaine: lundi les conseillers se sont réunis derrières les portes fermées pour discuter quel sujet encore une fois...(ce n'est pas le fluore cette fois, mais un sujet qui a eu beaucoup de discussions à l'automne).

RELIGION: we are working on Social justice and students had been asked to bring in gently used towels, blankets or stuffed toys. To date 1 student has helped out. The curriculum centers around doing things for us make a difference.

ART: continuing "Blowing up" images...those students who have begun are doing a great job so far. At least one more class for this assignment.

Progress reports go home on Friday. 
Students also need to be on the lookout for sign-up sheets for Bake Sale (coming soon) and the CTF sales of their goods. The latter has been sent to their learn accounts and they can sign up as needed. We will be hosting the sale in the Learning Commons. One more class for production and finalities.