Monday, September 12, 2022

This week in Learning:

Any time a student is ill, notes will be posted on Google Classroom to the best of my abilities.

Students should have all school supplies to facilitate learning. Parent interview sheets would be appreciated asap to help with PT interviews next week.

 MATH: problem solving in French. It is important to read the questions carefully before determining the operation needed. Then we move onto multiples and factors.

SCIENCE: observations are crucial to crime solving. We will also look at footprint impressions and tire treads.

ES: We continue to look at the values of democracy. 

FLA: oral presentations are being done this week to get back into the groove of speaking in french.

ELA: we have begun a novel study that looks very closely at Figures of speech. It is called Chasing Vermeer and it is a mystery which goes well with our Science unit. There will be chapters and comprehension questions assigned each night.

Religion: we are preparing for the mass. Some students will be assigned roles, but there are not enough for everyone. All others will be encouraged to be the choir for the congregation.