Monday, September 26, 2022

My favorite part of Parent Teacher Conferences is when parents tell me that their child goes home and tells them what they are doing and learning in class. It indicates that a connection has been made. Thank you to all the parents who came in person and online or phone to chat. Your support and input into your child's education is appreciated.

This week in learning:

MATH: we are looking at order of operations this week and if you remember the acronym PDMAS you will be successful. Have your child teach it to you.

SC: tire treads left behind at the scene of the crime, what do investigators look at? Possibly looking at fingerprints as well this week.

ES: we begin current events, Students have a schedule whereby they need to watch the news a few days before presenting and tell the class about something in the news with respect to government, any level. We look at why need a govn't and what our constitution is. NOMINATION forms are due Thursday.  Speeches are next week, October 3rd.

FLA: we will begin our reading program this week. Students will be placed in same level groups and do guided reading. This allows me to evaluate the reading level of students individually.

On Google Classroom, I have placed a website to help with grammar and verbs for students to use to improve their writing skills. All types of activities are there and if we are working on one aspect, they can practice at home.

ELA: we continue with Vermeer. Chapters 9-12 will be assigned.

Religion: Please finish your reflections on our opening mass before you forget what it was about. This week, we come to know God through nature and human creation.

Musique: choice of French songs is due today. Next class we research and analyze it, before the head to  head competition.

ART: onomatopee is due next Thursday

Also this week:

Fire drill tomorrow...we have already practiced, I'm not worried about behavior or remembering what to guys rock

Terry Fox: bring a toonie for Terry. We run from 9h15 for about 30 mins. Permission forms need to be signed and returned before Wednesday a.m. 

Orange shirt day is Thursday. We will remember the children in residential schools. Wear Orange. No school on Friday.