Wednesday, September 23, 2020


We made it through day 1...yipee. What most impressed me was the kids showed up hourly on time and promptly. Merci les amis. I hope it was manageable and I believe that the routine will help the students stay on track and be accountable. Some had issues with microphones, but not to worry, one day at a time. If you cannot get your microphones to work by Friday, please email me so that your back up can do your reading for the  Liturgy. 
I am sending the students my schedule so they have an idea of what's coming up. It is never written in stone and can change from day to day.

Go to your Gmail for the ZOOM invitation that will be for our class going forward. It will not change and you can access it anytime if Mme is online. It is also on GC

Meeting ID: 980 6417 9860
Passcode: 6hWEt1