Monday, January 22, 2018

We had an amusing afternoon Friday, running in togas, (those without togas had to be slaves and had their legs bound), throwing discus', racing the horses, jumping and throwing the javelins. 
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Greek Olympics: 
                                     Les 11 Olympiens

Parent council has asked the grade 6 class to collect things for our Mardi Gras Basket. Our theme is "Summer Fun". Anything that you can donate would be gratefully accpeted. Think: water guns, balloons, books, coloring, beach towels... So far our box is empty. 😢

This week in learning:
Math: Learning how to use a protractor...3 students still do not have one.

ELA: we will be doing some descriptive paragraphs. This was a fun activity last year. Vocabulary enrichment is the goal.

FLA: continuing Hockey Lecture. Students are enjoying the competition-like style of reading comprehension. In grammar we are looking at the verb tense: imparfait. I have also assigned a book report and all students should be reading their book and a due date is forthcoming.

Social Studies: as I write this, students are busy writing their exam on Ancient Athens. Next up is the Iroquois Confederacy and what we borrowed from them for our democracy.

Religion: We are looking at the United Nations Rights of the child and the 10 commandments this week.

Music: Analyzing a French song

Art : finishing Mardi Gras decorations.