Friday, January 12, 2018

Important information:
Seeing as it is half way through the year, I thought it would be a good idea to do an inventory of supplies so that we are all back on track for the remainder of the year. Please check with  your child if they are missing any of the following:

  • glue
  • scissors
  • markers
  • pencil crayons
  • erasers
  • thesaurus
  • gym strip
  • pencils
  • calculator
  • sheet protectors/sleeves

M. Desrochers has implemented a rule that says no gym participation. I believe that this is very important as they get older and body odor becomes more prominent, they NEED to change. It has always been a regulation at the school but it has waned in the last little while because so many were not changing. 

Cell Phones:
The rule is and has ALWAYS been: you can bring it to school, but it stays on SILENT in the backpack UNLESS you have permission to use it for school related research. If the phone goes off while I am's mine until a parent comes to pick it up. If students are caught with it during recess, it's mine until a parent comes to pick it up. This will NOT change. the next step will be to have everyone fork them over at the office when walking into the building. We have had yet another chat about it and I hope never to discuss again. Thank you for your cooperation.

Eating in the hall is a privilege that some grade 6 students are abusing. Last warning...Students who throw food, or who do not sit up against the wall to eat will return to the noisy gym to eat with the other 390+ younger students. This week was the best for remembering rules and regulations. Hopefully some discussions can happen to help make my job a little easier.