Monday, December 5, 2016

Just looked at last week's BLOG...full of mistakes..shame on me for rushing and not looking it over before sending it...practice what I preach much!
A HUGE thank you to Teresa Cowan for organizing the Bake Sale and to the parents for providing goodies to be sold. I do not have a total for the sales as of yet.
Thank you to everyone who came to the interviews. I believe the most important message brought forward, is that students need to read more in French, as it is the foundation for everything else. 
This week: 
Francais: Imparfait verbs; finishing the novel, with a culminating activity at the end.
ELA: Koudos to the students for their Reader's Theater presentations...nothing but AB and EX. We also presented to the grade one class, our reading buddies, but one group has yet to present. We will be finishing the research projects on greek gods and godesses. The goal of this project was to learn GOOD research skills and making sure they know how to cite books and websites.
Math: Working on equal equations.
Etudes Sociales: Was ancient democracy equal for everyone?
Science: We will look at the magnitude of stars and make a magnitude gauge. Are your children still observing the phases of the moon and writing them down? I will pick those up next week. Also looking at how the sun, the earth and rotations/revolutions give us seasons.
Please have costumes at the school by Tuesday...really looking forward to the concert! We have worked very hard on our performances.