Monday, December 12, 2016

Two more weeks until we can finally rest and relax...

Super Huge kudos to the Grade 6 class for their phenomenal performance at the Christmas concert. I was down in front, expecting to direct them, when suddenly...I looked at them and found out they were not looking at me but doing exactly what they were supposed to do...perform! Tears ran down my proud of this awesome group! Hope you liked it.
Please consider sending wet wipes...we have several students sick already, and wiping down desks will go a long way to keeping germs at bay.
This week in learning:
Francais: doing a research on Big Foot or another legend, whereby they put their information on a poster. Goes with our novel study.
Math: Studying for the unit test on December 16th. NOW is the time to ask questions about stuff they don't understand.
ELA: finishing research on Greek gods, and goddesses, that we will present to the class in the coming week. Starting to write in a journal to get them into the habit of writing down ideas quickly.
Science: continuing with astronomy. Finished seasons, next up, magnitude gauges, constellations and moon phases. The sheet on Moon phases will be picked up this Thursday.
E.S: finishing up on Ancient Athens. We will have a unit test on December 20th. We will also have Greek games on the afternoon of the 19th. In the past, Mme Ginette made it a greek day, but there were so many problems last year, that I decided against it. We will dress up in togas for the afternoon and have our very own Olympics, but no greek food. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Religion: talking about Advent, how Mary said yes, and life in the first century. We are also busy with our Candy Gram campaign. 50 cents for a candy cane to give to someone who you would not normally give to. The money goes to charity.