Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This week in Grade 6:
Francais: continuing to work on "La montagne noire", but are taking a break from the reading so that we can write a letter as one of the characters. With respect to verbs, we are now studying "L'IMPARFAIT", part of the past tense. Students shold know the endings and memorize the most used verbs on thier sheet.
Sciences: I brought in the Star Lab, and even thought the students have been excited about it, I discovered that they did not send the proper cylinder...I am more than disappointed, but we will try to make the most of it. Thursday night of the interviews, barring nice weather, my husband has offered to bring our telescope so that students can have a look at the night sky. If yo are not scheduled for an interview, but want to come by, you are welcome to do so. Students should still be orbserving the moon phases and writing them down on their sheet.
Social Studies: Still studying the Ancient Anthenians and the roles of the women vs men vs slaves.
ELA: finishing and presenting Reader's Theater Wednesday. Also doing a research project on the greek gods so if you hear some weird relationship stuff...consider the source...gods were a little wacky! The important part is learning how to do a good research project.
Religion: Learning about covenants and starting Advent and how we can prepare for Christ's coming.
Health: quiz next Monday on how to study and how to cope with stress.
Math: working on coordinates and how to plot them on a graph. Please sign quiz and send them back in. Next unit, will be on equalities.
Our Christmas concert is around the corner. I have a John Deere cap and am hoping that everyone else is on track to get their costume/outfit together. Eve needs overalls...anyone? Practicing the LAST verse of Leroy is imperative.
Although it was not on the school supply list, please send in a container of hand wipes as they are often used for clean-ups and wiping desks of their germs. If everyone sent in a container, it should help for the year. Thanks for your help with this.