Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Yesterday, the students brought home a calendar to record the weather for the month of May, in order to coincide with our Science and what happens in the spring. Every day after school and on the weekends, they are to mark what the weather was like. It is to be returned to school on June 1st. Thank you for your help with this.

I am also happy that several students planted their seeds/plants. If you would like to send a photo of the progress, please email it to me and I will post them on the Blog.

Also sent home yesterday, was a field trip form. We will be having a "behind the scenes" look at the church with Dan D'Agostino, as part of our Religion curriculum. We will be walking to the church and if you would like to volunteer, please email me and I will get back to you. It is for the morning of May 17th.