Monday, May 30, 2016

I am a proud teacher of this grade 1 class! What great performances they did for the volunteer tea, the school population AND the other parents. Way to go. And a special thanks to Mme Hader for her teaching us the beat, the dance, the song and the fun!

This week in learning:
Français: evaluations in reading, writing and comprehension.
Social Studies: The things will change
Math: continuing + and - and problem solving.
Science: Summer season changes. 
ALSO ...   Please have your child choose an animal to research by Friday.
Health: making friends
Religion: Jesus in my life

Temperature calendars are due Wednesday June 1st. Please return to school.

There are MANY parents who have offered to volunteer for Friday's field trip. Once I have all of the forms, I will choose only 3 parents to come along. Priority will be given to parents who have not yet had the chance to volunteer. HOWEVER, if you have your own Heritage Park pass (or you want to pay your own way) and you wish to come along, you may drive yourselves there and join us inside.