Monday, April 8, 2024

Welcome back from the Easter break

This week in Learning:

MATH: students should be finishing their skateboard project that shows the transformations that we learned in Math. This is basically their test as there will be no test for this unit.

SCI: today we learned how to make a paper airplane. Students have until Friday to practice making them and manipulating them. They need to make it turn left/right, spin and go the distance. Hopefully we can launch parachutes Wednesday. We were able to go out and  look at the eclipse with special glasses today after lunch; all precautions were taken.  Unit test on air and aerodynamics is Tuesday April 16.

FLA: we looked at how to write a story; same format as English. Plans are due Wednesday. Google doc on Francophone country will be due Thursday 11. Send it to me.

ELA: continue poetry. Fins a poem that will last at least 1 minute long, memorized for recital. Date TBA. So far students should have the following poems done: autobiographical, acrostic, cinquain, haiku and tanka. This week we write a quatrain and a free verse.

Religion: we continue in the Easter season and working on the Lenten Journey maps. Date due coming VERY soon.

ES: we begin to look at the Provincial gov't. Still waiting for some to write their test on municipal gov't, so tests will be coming home this week.

HEALTH: You Stew due tomorrow; on your identity