Monday, April 29, 2024

This week in Learning:

Today was student faith day and the Grade 6's were in charge of leading their BFG's around to the stations. Merci les amis!

MATH: we are finishing the unit on fractions, decimals, % and money this week and the test will be next week. I still have not received all the math assignments for the skateboards. 

SCI: we will continue with trees and forests. Tests on air and aerodynamics was sent home and need signatures so you know where your child stands in the class.

ES: test this week on Provincial gov't Thursday. Tomorrow we will do a review and white board check in.

FLA: tomorrow we recite readers theater. I am looking forward to hearing the expression in your voices.

ELA: we just completed the booklet portion of the poetry unit, but now will be reciting the poems chosen by students; again, expression is key.

Religion: students are finishing their posters on the Catholic Social justice principles.

Music: continuing the research project on an orchestra instrument.

Art: continuing symmetry 

Update Spring Fling Dance and Grade 6 theme basket:

We have a few bottles of wine in our box; thank you to those who contributed. If you haven't done so yet, please consider sending in a donation of cheese gift cards or wine glass markers or cheese boards. Something to add to our wonderful basket. Thank you.

As this is our last push until student go into Jr High please note:

If students do not hand in their work on time, it will be up to them to see me or hand it in when they have completed it. I will no longer remind them, nor send notes home to parents. Students should be responsible and accountable for their learning by this time, as next year, it is ALL on them. Your support is appreciated.