Sunday, November 5, 2023

 Learning this week

Math: positive/negative integers test went home for signatures Friday.  continuing with decimals. How to estimate their products and then actually multiplying them. Keep working on your multiplication tables. 

ELA; we will look at indigenous fallen soldiers this week in honour of Remembrance Day. 

FLA: continue with reading comprehension. I would like to begin testing students this week. 

Sci: present crime scene projects by end of week.

ES: finishing chapter 2. How can citizens make a difference. Test coming soon.

Religion: how does the mass bring us closer to God. 

Music: will finish the competition and then students will work on part 2 which is research based. 

To Note:

Tuesday picture retakes

Thursday school council meeting

Friday Remembrance Day celebration @10 am, parents invited as always 

Order school wear here