Sunday, November 26, 2023

A huge thank you to all the parents and students who helped out with the bake sale. I don’t have the final tally yet, but am grateful for everyone from the planning to selling and clean up. I never had to worry about a thing because of you! Merci!

Also, much appreciation to all the parents and students for coming to the interviews. When we are all on the same page, great things happen.

This week in learning:

Math: we begin fractions and how they tie in with decimals. 

ELA: continue with Greek god research and how to properly cite material. 

FLA : working on comic strips based on a easy French book. Using the proper vocabulary. 

Science: looking at the phases of the moon…are you still looking?  Also seasons…the why and how. Science fair information will be forthcoming. Start thinking about your involvement and projects. Mme has a lot of books for inspiration. 

ES: we continue with Ancient Greece and the foundations of our democracy. You may begin your pamphlets. 

Music: finishing the research portion and will present soon. 

Art: Vermeer due this week Thursday as is sketchbook; formes. 

Lockdown tomorrow a.m.