Sunday, October 22, 2023

This week in learning:

MATH: we are finished our unit on + and - numbers so I will make the evaluation just a quiz as there is not enough to evaluate for a test. We will finish reviewing this week and then the eval will be Monday October 30th. 

ELA: the due date for  the Vermeer Novel study is November 3rd and there will be the time in class to complete what needs to get done, including the news article and the free choice project.

FLA: we are finishing our verb study. The 3rd group is the most difficult because of all the exceptions , however students are great at ER and IR verbs in the present. There will be a quiz on thusday Oct 26 on these 2 groups as well as expressions with AVOIR et ETRE.

SCI: we are finishing our unit on Forensics, the test date will be determined soon. Students will be working on a group project to show their learning in the meantime.

ES: election speeches were great and well prepared. Students will have a difficult time with voting on Monday. We had 19 candidates and there will be 5 counsel members. Others will be involved in committees, so there are still opportunities to make a difference in the school.  

Health: we are learning study skills with a plethora of tips and tricks. If students apply these, they will have lifelong skills to help them in Jr high and beyond. 

Religion: in chapter 2 students have been placed into groups to delve deeper into how the Church brings us closer to God. They will teach their section to the class by the end of the week.

Music: we have almost finished round 1 of the head to head Franco competition. Students will then research their musicians and analyze the lyrics of the song.