Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Sorry for the delay... I was quite ill over the weekend and yesterday and am now just getting to the Blog.

This week in learning:

MATH: first unit test is Oct 16th and today students were busy studying and practicing. Organization is key to making sure that all your papers are in order to study from. We will begin the next unit on + and - numbers.

FLA: began verbes ending in ER today for the present. Tomorrow is a quiz on nouns and adjectives.

ELA: continuing Vermeer...getting closer to the end. We will learn how to write a news article soon based on the novel.

SCI: today we looked at fingerprints; 4 types

Social: test was yesterday and next up, how can we be involved in democracy. The tests will go home for signatures by end of this week, as long as everyone has written.

Religion: notebook to be picked up Friday

ART: sketchbooks were supposed to be handed in yesterday, several were not. 


I still have some students who have not handed in their forms to walk to church. 

With Halloween coming, I have noticed a lot more candy in morning snack time. Sugar is not a good source of fuel for the brain. Please limit or eliminate candy for snacks. Thank you for your cooperation.