Monday, March 7, 2022

This week in Learning:

MATH: we are almost finished this unit and there will be a test coming up next week. This week we look at % and how they are related to fractions and decimals.

FLA: to finish the good copy of the story. It will be due Thursday

ELA: we are finishing the poetry unit with a recital Thursday. Poems are to be memorized and expression is key. Poetry books are now overdue

SCIENCES: lab booklets are overdue. We are working on posters on how birds and insects fly. The 4 forces of flight will be reviewed.

ES: we are finished with the Iroquois. Tests are going home today to be signed and returned. Next up: the municipal gov't.

Religion: we look at Lent and how we can follow God's will.

ART: spirit animals are due. Next up, enlarging photos.

Tomorrow the principal from MdH is coming to visit the students. Open house messages have been sent to parent emails. Some are virtual, some are in person.

We also will have a fire safety presentation tomorrow from parent and firefighter, Randy Chevrier. 

Next week we look to carnaval activities to celebrate French Canadian culture. More details to come.