Monday, June 7, 2021

This week in learning:

And just like that 😮 the year is almost over!

Students are reminded to have a change of shoes for indoors and outdoors, especially since the weather this week will be wet and muddy. An extra mask is also needed. Lunch will most likely be indoors.

LIBRARY books need to be returned by the 9th so that Mme Amanda can do inventory.

FLA: We will finish with verb tenses this week and finish all quizzes. Imparfait and passé composé this Friday.

ELA: we are writing a Story based on a prompt. Final teaching of tips and tricks will be this week.

MATH: questionnaires and probability test this Wednesday. One more unit to go on transformations.

Sciences: test on trees next Monday. This week we work on a project about forests and how to manage them.

Religion: we will finish Family life this week and then finish presenting other religions projects.

ART: Matisse and Picasso