Monday, June 15, 2020

lundi le 15 juin 2020

J'espère que tout le monde a survécu la grande tempête de 2020 cette fin de semaine...

All assignments will be on the GC today except fo math which I will be teaching transformations tomorrow at  [time yet to be determined] on GM. This is the last lesson in Math and then a final project will be given to show that you can transform an image on a plan cartesien.

Sci: notes de cours pour lire
          Grand projet de chasses aux tresors aux                   photos. Amusez-vous

ES/FLA/RELIGION: an integrated project for Social Justice. Can be done in pairs or alone. Ask for permission for which organization you would like to do to avoid duplication. With everything  going on in the world today, there are other non-profit organizations that  you might want to research as well. 

FLA: comprehension de lecture. This is NOT optional. You must complete this and send me your results. 

Projet Fête de pères: If you don't wish to use a guitar, you can also paint a rock.

Continuez à pratiquer votre chanson pour le Farewell. Mme rentre à l'école aujourd'hui pour mettre ensemble vos paquets. Informations sur comment les ramasser viendra bientôt.