Monday, October 7, 2019

This week in Learning:

FLA: today we went to the Learning commons and all students were asked to take out a novel or chapter book to write a book report, according to sketchnoting. So far they have to complete the setting and the problem by the next day 5.
Comics quiz to be signed and returned asap.

ELA: Today we read chapters 5 and 6 in Vermeer. There is a coded message that needs to be decoded.  We will also learn this week how to write a news article which is a major component of the written portion of the PAT's.  It goes well with this novel study.

Math:  Today we learned whole numbers, both positive and negative. PP. 76 homework # 3, 5 ,6 7, 10a. Next week we will have a our UNIT test all of chapter 2 on October 15th.

Sciences: we look at tissue samples and what characteristics police look at when it is evidence. 

Etudes Sociales: tests are going home today to be signed and returned. The first 2 chapters are the more difficult ones to understand as the concepts are very abstract.  Next up, elections for class council and Student Vote. FORGOT to tell the class that the debate is tonight...have a look!

Upcoming: Food Drive
                   Thanksgiving Liturgy Friday
                  Friday day off PD day