Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hope your long weekend was restful and filled with family gatherings.

This week in Learning:
MATH: today the students are studying and the unit test is tomorrow. Next we will look at patterns in numbers

SCIENCES: we will study the different properties of materials (fabric) and see how they can be studied as evidence.

SOCIAL: candidates will speak tomorrow for the student elections and tell us why we should vote for them...then we vote. Non-candidates will also do their speech tomorrow (how does democracy fit into my life) at the end of the day.

FLA: we will begin a new project which fits with our science forensics unit. Students will be asked to put together a crime scene (à la fairy tale) and incorporate all the elements of evidence studied so far. Quiz on expressions avoir et être Thursday.

ELA: we continue with Vermeer. Reading chapters and answering comprehension questions. This week students will be given the opportunity to write their first news article.

RELIGION: today we sort the clothing for "Pass it along clothing". This is part of the corporal acts of mercy that the church asks of us. 

ART: we will learn how to draw one point perspective to then draw a scene, like Vermeer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wDZNup32CY
Sketchbooks are due October 30th

HEALTH: how to take care of ourselves spiritually, mentally and physically.

PHYS ED tomorrow...no gym strip, limited participation

Upcoming: pizza day and theme day: Book character... Thursday