Tuesday, September 10, 2019

This week in Learning:
Math: students will have received Fiche 1 corrected. This is a formative assessment (it shows us that they get it or they didn't). If students did not do well on the Fiche, they need to ask for more help before the end of the unit, whereby we will have a Summative assessment, a test that will go towards their progress report. Be responsible for YOUR learning. WE finish lesson 2 this week and may go onto lesson 3

FLA: students are writing a skit to go with a comic book. Today is their last day to write and tomorrow they will practice. Thursday they will perform. Then it's onto making a comic book of their own.

ELA: today we learned about paragraphs and students were asked to write one for the ending of a story. That is due tomorrow.

SCI: we will look at evidence, more specifically foot imprints. 

SOCIAL: students are being asked to watch the news and more specifically Canadian government news. I will put together a calendar and they will be assigned a date to report the news back to the class. The news can be local, provincial or federal govt related. In the meantime, we are learning about the things that Canada values in terms of democracy.

ART: hoodies and name tags are due Friday

Religion: this year we have a new program that we will be learning together. The first unit is titled "How we come to know God". By the end of the chapter, students will be asked to put their knowledge together in some art form. More info to come.
Also, we are in charge of the opening mass on Sept. 27th. We are practicing readings and songs. Please join us at the church @ 10h30

My email for students to be in contact with me is colette.page-turner@learn.cssd.ab.ca