Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Bienvenu à une nouvelle année scolaire. I am so happy to have you in my class and am looking forward to a great year. I really wanted to take a first day picture and forgot so will do so tomorrow...we'll pretend it's the first day! 😉

This week in Learning:
Getting to know each other
Religion: prayer for the intercom as well as learning the songs for the opening mass, which we are in charge of
ELA: letter to myself
FLA: 5 au quotidien reading program
Maths: les grands nombres unit 2 (we skip unit 1 and get back to it later)
SCI: Preuves et recherches (crime and forensics unit)
Etudes Sociales: what does democracy look like
ART: hoodie about me

Music and Phys Ed will begin next week. Please ensure that your child has gym strip and deodorant and a bag to put it all in. 
Parents have homework this week...Tell me about your child sheet. The sooner you hand it in the better, merci!
If ever there are upcoming exams or homework due, it will be here. Check the BLOG at least once per week, if not more often. Thanks.