Monday, June 3, 2019

This week in Learning:

FLA: Hockey Lecture continues

ELA: we finished our drug research and presentations. Students all did a great job. Well done. Practicing reading comprehension will be up next.

MATH: preparing for the PAT's. Take the time to review every night and ask questions "how do I" for all units. Time for one on one with me for extra help and explanation.

SCIENCE: students are working on forest management projects. Each group represents a different organization and has to make a pitch to receive a parcel of land to develop. Test on TREES and FORESTS this Wednesday am

SOCIAL: test was today. Going forward, preparing for PAT's. Come prepared to ask questions, take practice exams and review.

ART: students are working on an abstract artist. List of materials needed were supposed to be emailed to me by 8am this morning. I received 3 emails.

Religion: we are basically done the program, other than one lesson on "I am the Vine.." Test on Easter Season next Monday.

This week: 
Sacramental celebration Tuesday 1h30 pm
Lip Sync Thursday @ 2pm