Monday, June 17, 2019

Math test was a good indicator of what we learned this year. 
Tomorrow is ELA reading comprehension and Wednesday, our last PAT is Social Studies. 
Thursday we have our Vegas party. For those of you who are not aware, it was difficult getting the kids motivated to do SPARK and other brain breaks during the day. So as an incentive, i asked them to choose a destination and we would do one minute of exercise for every kilometer. They chose Vegas. So this Thursday, we will have games, I have old pennies for gambling (no one to really make money), a movie, I have a claw machine and will provide hotdogs and drinks for lunch. The students seem quite excited about it and they deserve it. A promise is a promise. there is also a sign-up sheet in the classroom for students to bring other snacks, including healthy ones.

Friday is Aboriginal day and we will be working with our learning buddies throughout the day to honor the First nations peoples.