Monday, May 1, 2017

This week in learning:
FR; students are memorizing their poem...I will scan them tonight and put them up on the BLOG tomorrow. So far, they are impressive. We are also finishing our short story. Rough copy should be done by  tomorrow.

ELA: still getting through Shadows; this week we will have a practice short story prompt. This will be the same format as a PAT, in other words: a prompt, brain storm ideas, rough draft, and good copy. The PAT writing portions focus on ideas and less on spelling. I tell them to keep it simple to avoid running out of time.

MATH: finishing geometry, volume, area, perimeter. Test this Friday.

Science: going into Flight. We dropped our parachutes today. It had be to outside, so there was a bit of wind, but overall they did well. Test  on air today, they said was easy...correcting tonight!

Etudes Sociales: finishing provincial govnt and going into Federal. Test on Provincial next Monday.

Religion: Presentation on the development of the baby this week. We will begin speaking more about human sexuality.

IMPORTANT: Wednesday in the morning, as it is going to be nice outside, I have asked Shannon to come and help us take pictures for our yearbook. Please dress nicely, but not super dressed up (just no ripped t-shirts or pants). We will have some group shots at the playground as well.

We begin Freezie  Fridays this week. Second recess we will sell them for 50ȼ each. We wll have a committee.

Lip sync is also underway. Solo or groups. Letter should have been sent home.

FREAK out time...someone told me we only have 41 days of school left...YIKES