Monday, September 11, 2017

We still have not hammered out the details about how to mix the classes for Social Studies and Science with Mme Phelan, so those are still on hold a bit. Thank you for your patience.
This weekend I gave the parents a homework to do and received 7 back this morning. Please take the time to fill out information about your child so that I am better able to help them out. If you lost the sheet, I will attach another one here. Thank you for your cooperation.
This week in learning:
FLA: comic books or in Fr La Bande dessinée. Students are in groups and learning/reading their comic album and putting on a play about it to work their oral french. 
ELA: We are working on "The secret Life of Grown-ups" and students need to finish their rough copy ideas for their own rule by tomorrow. We will be writing good copies and adding illustrations later this week.
MATH: lesson 2 about numbers. How to read problems and figure out which operation is being asked to use. Cheat sheets will be given with vocab to help them out. 
MUSIC: research on a genre of music. Chromebooks have been booked and they are being asked to put together a slide show with history and examples of the genre they chose.
REL: what does our name mean and why did our parents name us what they did. Will be for homework if they don't already know.
PHYSED: They have started today and should have gym strip by the next class if they don't already. It is a requirement that students change for this class and it is part of their health mark.