Tuesday, March 12, 2024

This week in Learning:

MATH: we begin Transformations and symmetry, which align with coordinates on a graph. New this year, we use the +/- numbers on a graph as well.

SCI: several students did not bring materials to build a parachute yesterday. They have one more chance for Wednesday. They will take their free time in the a.m. to begin it and a little time during Science class to finish it, like everyone else. I provide the weight. Next up, the parts of an airplane, vocabulary in French

ES: we are finishing up looking at the counselors and will finish the unit looking at School Boards. Unit test to come before the break.

FLA: we are doing some group reading comprehension. Next week we will look at the month of la Francophonie

ELA: we will finish our opinion essays this week. On PG day, teachers asked what the functional writing will be for the PAT's and no one had an answer for us. Stay tuned.

FOR CTF DAY 2: Blogging permissions required

Religion: we continue our Lenten journey

ART: have lyrics to a favorite song by the next class. Clean and appropriate.

This week: MdH Thursday

Next week: theme day : Fancy dress up