Monday, January 29, 2024

 Message from the St. Luke Science Fair Coordinators

Every year St. Luke School holds a Science Fair for students in grades 5 and 6. This event provides students the opportunity to: 

  • develop inquiring skills 
  • deepen their understanding of the scientific method 
  • build their organizational skills  
  • develop independence 
  • explore topics that may not be part of the curriculum.   

This year, we have 28 students presenting a total of 16 projects for the Science Fair. On Wednesday, February 21st  from 11:30 - 15:00 students' projects  will be judged and the top four projects will be entered into the City Youth Science Fair.   We require 9-10 volunteers to help judge the. If you can volunteer or know of any friends or colleagues who would like to volunteer, please use the following link to sign up 

More information about the science fair can be found at: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 

Thanks for your help,

Jan Owoc and Marie-Claire Arrieta, St. Luke Science Fair Coordinators 

This week in Learning:

MATH: we finish statistics and probability. Test will either be on Friday Feb 2 or next Monday Feb 5th.

FLA: we begin Hockey lecture today; a reading comprehension competition. Anyone not contributing to the group will be asked to work alone. Quiz on Poetry Tuesday Feb 6th

ELA: we finished the notes on how to write a short story and students have been given a prompt for their story. The rough plan is due tomorrow, the plan only

SCI: we continue with air experiments but there are only a few left. Students should be working on their good copies as we continue this unit.

ES: Today while students were working on their final project of what they know about the Haudenosaunee, I evaluated students on their knowledge of the Great law of Peace. This will continue on Friday as on Thursday we will look at consensus. Some students that were called, had not finished their drawings. 

Religion: we are looking at 3 ways to commit a life to God and on Thursday we have the pleasure of welcoming Father Derek to our classroom to answer questions or speak about the clergy/ordained.

Musique: rough copy of rhythm due next day 3

Next week: la semaine de la francophonie/carnival d'hiver