Monday, May 1, 2023

This week in Learning:

MATH: test this Wednesday on geometry and measure. Beginning the unit on statistics, gathering info and probability

FLA: short stories due today. Next we are doing a novel study. There are not enough copies for a class set, so students have been grouped into 2 groups, each with their own novel. Heavy emphasis on vocabulary and comprehension.

ELA: Continuing Shadows of Disaster. Students should do their best to stay on track with reading and comprehension questions. We will be writing a news article on this event so attention to detail is very important.

SCI: we continue trees and forests of Alberta.

ES: we have finished our unit on provincial gov't and the test will be next week, most likely Tuesday the 9th. We will be researching the candidates for the riding of Calgary-Varsity in order to know who to vote for in Student Vote.

Religion:  Lenten Journey posters due tomorrow

ART: finish "love your neighbour" house

This week;

Hats ON for Mental Health...wear a hat on Wednesday May 3rd to show your support for Mental health

Question pour demain: 

Qu'est-ce que Mme veux qu'on fasse pour le thé des bénévoles?