Monday, March 20, 2023


Les pièges de Farfadets faites jeudi passé. If you don't take them home tomorrow they will go in recycling.
This week in Learning:

Please bring a donation tomorrow for CIWA to wear a gold ribbon this Friday. We want the whole school wearing a ribbon and learning about service for others

Math: test tomorrow on module 5. Then module 6, which is geomtery and measure

SCIENCES: how an airplane flies, its parts and movements

FLA: recherche sur la francophonie en Alberta

ELA: poetry recitals. Poetry books are overdue

ES: test on Municipal govn't March 27 but we will begin the next unit this week on Provincial Govn't

Religion: Lent continued...looking at symbols of light, renewal and abundance; also the stations of the cross

Music: continue working on orchestra instrument

ART: finish up lyrics art

Question pour demain:
En Science aujourd'hui, nous avons appris le principe de quel scientiste qui a figuré comment les avions volent?