Monday, January 9, 2023

Bienvenue à une nouvelle année. J’espère que vos vacances étaient reposantes car nous avons beaucoup de 'catch-up" à faire pour nous remettre sur notre chemin pour finir l’année. 

I usually like to finish the units we are studying before Christmas, however with my late return and what M. Degagne managed to cover, they will be completed this week and there will be tests all next week. Start studying now and manage your time wisely. 

I also want students to get back on track in checking the BLOG weekly...maybe a contest is a way to get them checking?

MATH: Fiches 6 et 7 et ensuite le test lundi le 16 janvier. 

SCIENCE: today we made solar clocks and took measerurements of the sun's shadows throughout the day. This graph will be due at the end of the week. We will also take a few classes to research the planets and the unit test will be next week. date TBD

ES: we will also finish this unit, have an assignment as a review for studying and this unit test will also be next week. TBD

FLA: as of now, we are finishing music presentations, but once they are done we will do a little more grammar and then some reading comprehension.

ELA: we are doing Greek god presentations this week and then will look at how to write a sort story, with the PAT's in mind.

Religion: We looked at Epiphany and there will be a quiz on it tomorrow. Information is on GC.

ART: greek urns

Music: if you have clean chopsticks at home that your child can bring to school fo our next unit, that would great. 

CTF: Genius hour...explained tomorrow