Tuesday, February 1, 2022

So good to meet and speak with parents and students Thursday evening and Friday. Let's continue to work hard and finish on a positive note.

I came across this website through our CSSD Science consultant and had to share because of the last name of the ship. Check it out

 The Hunt for Shackleton’s Lost Ice Ship 

Looking for items for our Gift Basket for 
mardi Gras. Please help

This week in Learning:

Math: angles of a triangle review and homework. Then we move to angles of a quadrilateral.

Science: the scientific process and the properties of air. Students will be expected to hand in a lab booklet with all the experiments demonstrated throughout this unit at the end.

SOCIAL: how to interpret maps

ELA: acrostic poems à la grade 6

FLA: semi-finals and finals for Hockey lecture. Your poems for your learning buddies are now due.

Religion: Finishing our baptismal responsibilities and moving onto how we can serve God.

Music: Boom, Snap, Clap is now overdue. I sent a Google doc to help with your music lesson...check your Gmail. Next class will be the last one to work on it. And then you teach your rhythm to the class.