Monday, November 15, 2021

This week in Learning:

Thank you to all parents who showed up for interviews for your child's learning. It is important that we are all on the same page to ensure success.

MATH: we will be finishing up the unit this week, if not wearly next week and students can expect a test Friday the 26th. It may be a little bit earlier as we are behind, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.

SCIENCE: we begin Astronomy and ther timing could not be more perfect. November 19th there will be a partial eclipse of the moon and it will be red. The time, however, is tricky. It will be seen from midnight to 3am ONLY, but the 19th is a Friday so it still works out. I will be asking the kids to look at the sky often during this unit so don't be surprised if they leave the house just before bed to star gaze.

ALSO if your child has a phone or iPad, please allow them to download SKYVIEW APP. It is free and allows then to look at the sky even during the day.

ES: we are coming to the end of chapter 2 and the test will also be next week. Details to come. Current events assignments are going well.

FLA: With Christmas fast approaching, we will be putting on plays to film for parents. We will shift away from GB+ for now.

ELA: with the end of chapter 2 in Social Studies, it brings the opportunity to learn how to find reliable sources and put on a debate. Students will vote on topics. We will spend time this week on Anti-bullying activities as well.

Religion: mass booklets due Friday

ART: we will painting a Metis inspired painting on next Day 2, next Monday, wear shoddy clothes if you don't want to potentially ruin them.