Monday, March 1, 2021

This week in Learning:

MATH: we reviewed improper and mixed fractions today. Next we move onto ratios

FLA: summary of Chapter 5 due. We will finish the novel this week. At the end there will be a final project of choice to wrap it up. Expect a due date for next week sometime

ELA: Poetry books due tomorrow as are the recitals

SCIENCE: students are working posters for flight of insects or birds. There will be a final class to put it all together, some research might have to be done at home.

SOCIAL: test tomorrow, MLA Jason Copping Wednesday

Religion: are you noticing acts of kindness at home. Lentopoly continues, as does learning about Lent and Jesus' 40 days in the desert

ART: sketchbooks due tomorrow on color, Spirit animals, last class to work on today.