Friday, November 6, 2020

 Democracy in Action: Voting for student council 2020


A huge congratulations to all of the candidates for their speeches and their willingness to step up and try to make St Luke a better school. We had some awesome ideas and no matter whether the students won or not, those ideas will hopefully be realized. Here are the candidates:

Here is your grade 6 council for 2020-2021:

Owen, Shane, Carina, Luke and Grace:

Science unit tests are going home today to be signed. This is the first major test that students received from me and the results may not be what students (or parents) expected. There will be a retest next week for those with 60% and less. Same material, different test.

The following students DID not do their anti-bullying blurb on FLIPGRID:
Noah, Abby, Zoey, Zixu, Morife
by Monday or you will stay at recess to do it.