Tuesday, February 18, 2020

This week in Learning:

It is nearly progress report time, so there will be many assignments due in order to get the assessments needed for marks.

FLA: good copy story due by Friday. No more classtime given to write it.

ELA: good copy story was due today. There are only 3 in the basket.

Math: please return module 4 tests signed asap. We are now working on fractions and how to change an improper fraction into a mixed fraction and vice versa. 

ES: please return signed test asap. Tomorrow we begin chapter 5 which is Local government. Speak to your kids about how the city works.

SCIENCES: posters on birds/insects and flight due this Friday. We will then go into flight and how airplanes fly.

Religion: posters on unit 3 will be due this Friday. Next week we begin Lent as Ash Wednesday is the 26th. Join us at the liturgy at 1pm.

ART: spirit animals were due today. We will begin a new project that uses math ratios to make a picture bigger.

HEALTH: digital footprints and Think posters are due by end of week. The constable who visited last week was great and had some great stories about online safety. We hope to have him visit again.

We visit Madeleine d'Houet. Students can bring their lunches or snacks, but Cheese pizza will be given to them as well. We should return by 2h30.

Carnaval d'hiver. Students have been paired up to run the stations, and some to watch over the grade ones. It should make for a fun day. Dance is in the evening. 
See the source image